
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Full House - My Mothers Estate Items Delivered

My sister called today and said they needed to clean out their trailer as she needs to put all her wedding decor business stuff in it. 

I have gotten several texts and calls saying she would be bringing them over in the past few weeks but was grateful she is as busy as I am so that I didn't have to worry about it during the crazy past few weeks. 

Today, however, was the day. I shared that it is still crazy around here and there was on and off showers / lightning today and didn't want to unload the wood in the rain so I was VERY grateful when they arrived and there was no rain. 

I cleaned out the room my mother stayed in so we could put the items in there but my brother-in-law had his brother and his wife helping and I didn't want to take the time to have them place all the items where they would end up so I just had them stick them all in the front room as they all need intense cleaning and dusting along with some repair work. 

Funny how I forgot things that happened during the week of cleaning out my mothers. I can't find some of the stuff I know I got for my girls but forgot some of the stuff I ended up with that the girls wanted. 

I am not sure when I will be able to get to all this stuff to refinish or repair it all but I am happy with the items I got and think that the girls also will be happy with them when I am finished refinishing them. I am not sure I will be able to "fix" this table.

This table to the right is actually a radio table. I have never seen one before and didn't realize that my mother had a radio table as it had a cloth over it and her big screen TV was on it so it was fun when we found out it was a radio and Princess Five wanted it. 

I will refinish it and hope to be able to restore it to working order but who knows as I don't know anything about electronics or old radios. 

I know I will be able to repair all the wood furniture but may need some help in refinishing the burl wood vanity dresser with "bat wing" mirrors. 

I didn't know when I picked it that it had some damage but at least all the pieces are there and there is some beveled / rounded glass cupboard fronts and a large beveled middle mirror as well so hopefully, I can get it fixed and refinish it if needed. It is beautiful and I am excited to see what it will look like finished. I can't believe that all the six mirrors on the two vanity / dressers are intact with no cracks or chips!

There is another triple mirror vanity that needs some work as well but I love how the mirrors move so you can see yourself at all angles. It may take me years to get all this stuff refinished with the way my life is going. 

This round table has a serving tray that comes off the top and glass all around the sides so you can see into the bottom of the cabinet. It is hidden behind the other stuff so until I can get to moving and cleaning some of the items we received today, it will be staying where it is covered with a beach towel. 

One of the things I am excited to have is her Victrola. We cranked it up and it was actually playing at her house when we were cleaning it out but now, I can't seem to get it to work and should have taken a picture of it before moving it. 

This stand that she had the victrola on is weird. It has two light sockets in the inside and a plug but the top hinges, so I think it may have been a radio at one point. She kept the glass victrola records in it with the little portable victrola on top so once I can clean it all up, I will put it back up on top and go through the records and keep only a few that I recognize. I may need to do some research to see how to get that needle working again. 

Wish me luck as it is now 4 a.m. and I have a board meeting tomorrow, and will probably be up all night tomorrow night scrap-booking as her portfolio is due in the mail on Friday! So much going on! 

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