
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fun Evening Game Using Glow Light Sticks

While we were at the retreat, we had lots of "Get to know you" games. 

For each game, they would get into different groups so that they would get to know different people. For this game they were sorted into age groups. 

Each group was given packages of glow sticks. Each person got one necklace and two bracelet sizes. 
Then, the groups were told to make a specific animal. The theme for the camp was "It's a jungle out there." So, each round we had the adults judge and the kids had to be creative and make what they were asked in the shortest amount of time possible.
They were very creative and sometimes incorporated people into their designs.  

I took a few pictures of my favorite animals. Can you guess what they are? The kids did a great job. 

It kind of reminded me of our sparkler photo shoots we have taken over the years. Here is a link to one of them.   

In this challenge they were to make a monkey in a tree. The blurry picture is a person being a monkey in the tree. We thought that was creative. 

I loved the one here with a banana in the monkey's hand in the tree. They did a great job as you can clearly tell what it is. Where as others, you need some imagination. It is funny that they all had the exact same sticks but each team came up with something different. 

The top pictures were giraffes. One of the groups tried to make a human giraffe and use the sticks on it but the other groups made it on the ground quicker so they figured out that flat was a better option.      

I thought it was a great game and then they let the kids wear their glow sticks for the dance they held on the patio after. It was a fun night for the kids. 

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