
Friday, May 20, 2016

Fixing Button Holes that are Loose and the Button - Unbuttons Itself.

Princess Five needs a "Business" attire type suit for her "on stage" interview and her interview with the judges. Several people have given us different opinions and so I took Princess Five shopping for a suit and we actually came up with several skirts and two actual suits. 
One of the suits is white but the bottom is a bit snug so we mixed the top of one suit and the bottom of another suit together and came up with something we all liked. Of course she hasn't worn the suit anywhere, so we were just having her try it on for the interviews and it was then that I realized the buttons keep coming undone.

We didn't realize this when she tried it on but it could be a serious problem onstage in front of the entire town but my sister shares what she does to fix it. I remembered that I have done this same thing in the past on pants buttons but I don't usually wear button up shirts so wouldn't have that problem on shirts. 
There are two things you can do to fix this problem. One, is to take a thread the same color as the fabric. You whip stitch the bottom of the button hole stitching the bottom of the hole up so that the button can't "fall" out but has to be forced out. 

Make sure that you measure the button so that you don't sew it up so much that you can't get the button in and out. It only takes a few whip stitches to tighten up the button-hole and this alone can help keep the buttons from coming undone. 

The other problem sometimes with these type of shirts is that, even thought the button holes are tight and the buttons hold, the fabric gaps open at the chest allowing unwanted attention in that area so I opted for BOTH solutions. 

I fixed the button holes and then I attached snaps in between the buttons where there are gaps to keep the fabric from gaping open. Hopefully, it will still look natural and not stiff in that area but I have had to do this before so I think it will be fine. This is just a very soft fabric that doesn't hold shape so I will have to have her check on stage to make sure it looks natural.       

I made a video of how I match up the snap front and back. I sew on the one side and then lay the garment flat and line up the garment and make sure you have good placement on the opposite side of the snap before sewing. 

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