
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Altering a Dress For The Talent Section of the Pageant

Princess Five is doing a few beauty pageants. One will be this week and another in the near future. I am doing my best to use what we have but what we haven't had, Heavenly Father has a way of providing. 

We tried on about 30 dresses for the evening gown portion and in the end, she is going to used Princess Two's prom gown. 
We didn't even try it because Princess Two is very thin and tall and most of her clothes don't fit the other girls but in a last ditch effort, we tried it on and it fits. Her black winter ball gown is beautiful but they told the girls not to wear black since they are against a black curtain

She thought about wearing her prom gown but it is a pale color and she would look washed out on stage so we are going with the Salmon Pink gown. It isn't pictured here but is more pink that this dress. 

This dress is one I picked up a few years back at a second hand store. I thought it was so cute and it was $12. I don't like to spend that much on a dress if I am not sure one of the girls will wear it but I thought it was so pretty and it is home made so I bought it. 
It isn't the best sewing job I have ever seen but the design is amazing. It is a bit small for Princess Five's rib cage so I had to make a small triangle to cover where the zipper doesn't quite zip up all the way on the back. 

I matched the "V" in the front and cute strips of the tule off and sewed them on gathered. I can't believe the amount of time this dress took for someone to sew. There are so many aspects to this dress. The angles on the skirt even are so amazing. 

There was an extra piece of tulle on the dress as well. I don't know if it was a "tail" or just extra or a belt of some kind but I am SO grateful that it was there so I could just match the salmon color fabric and then use the extra tulle for the sleeves and the back insert piece. 
I bought 1/2 yard of fabric but it was a huge over purchase. The sleeves didn't take much and the insert didn't use much either. 

I love that my Father in Heaven helps me when I need it. I would never have been able to match that orange / salmon tulle but God is Good and I was able to alter the dress to fit her so hopefully it will add to her adorable singing and playing of the guitar. She is getting good at picking instead of strumming. The fact that she can sing, dance and play the guitar is amazing! 

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