
Friday, March 25, 2016

Jr Prom 2016 - Dancing with Grandpa - Best Night Ever

My favorite tradition in our town for the Jr Prom evening is the "Parent / Child" dance at the end of the promanaude and just before the parents leave and let the kids do their thing. 
My dad has driven down to our town for four of the five girls. The only reason he didn't come down for Princess One is that we didn't ask. I had no idea what a big deal it was in this town.
Since I am not from this town, I didn't grow up knowing about the "father / daughter" or "Mother / Son" dance at Jr. Prom. 
Princess One came home from prom practices talking about the "father daughter" dance and since the girls don't have a relationship with their father, she asked her uncle that lives in a near by town to come and dance with her. 
It wasn't until after that night and seeing everyone dressed up and paying to watch that I realized how big Prom is in this town. With the rest of the girls, I tried to "live up" to the towns Prom ideal so that they would all have good memories.
I LOVE that the girls have my dad in their lives. The fact that he is willing to drive six hours to have a three minute dance with them has to make them feel special. 

I like that this time he brought his wife and insisted they have a dance. Usually, he comes, has his dance and then drives back home late that night. This time his wife came to keep him awake as he had a long day. 

Another thing that I liked better this years is that instead of having the boys and girls dance with their parents at the same time causing LOTS of congestion on the floor, they did the mother / son dance and then the father / daughter dance after so they had plenty of room for people to take pictures and dance without being in front of others while they were taking pictures etc.    

Here are pictures from Princess Two dancing with grandpa.

Here is a link to Princess Three dancing with grandpa.

We are SO blessed to have my dad and his wife in our lives! It truly was a magical dance for Princess Five. 

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