
Monday, March 14, 2016

Four Generations of Beauty - All at My House

It was a very long, yet exciting day today. It was one of my best friends mission farewell as they are going to serve as Mission Secretaries for 12 to 18 months.

I have mentioned Julie on here many times. She made each of us a crocheted afghan one year for Christmas and is always making up new patters and fun ways to use up items she has. Here is a link to the post about her gifts mentioned above.

Aside from that, Princess Five had two performances with her choir in two different towns so she was off all day. 

My niece was in town with her new twins. Since I don't know exactly where my mother will be soon, they wanted to get some pictures with her and the twins. 

I mentioned to my sister that it would be good to get a 4 generation picture and she said she was thinking the same thing. I laughed to myself when they all arrived with no camera. I guess I am known as the "picture taker" of the family. 

It was a good thing I figured out where the short was in my battery pack the other day as my battery was only lasting a few minutes last week. 

I went to get my camera while they took the babies out of their car seats and within seconds, my mother was playing "This little piggy" with the boy of the set. He was smiling away with her attenetion.
My mother was so excited they were coming that she put on more makeup after church and wanted her oxygen off for the pictures. We took one of just her and the twins mom at the end so we had put her oxygen back on by then. 

When my mom started playing games with them, I got the camera and a video out so I could try to capture video and pictures. 

She did "This Little Piggy" on both at the same time which was cute. It was all on her own. The thing that got me was when she started singing the song that my grand-father used to sing to us every time we saw him. He would take the babies and sit them on his knees, or when we were older, we would sit on his foot when his legs were crossed and he would kick out his foot while he gave us a "Horse ride" on his knee and foot. 
My favorite was near the end of the song, he would get super high with his foot giving us a thrill at the end of the song. I remember asking him for more rides but he had LOTS of rides to give and was most likely sore for a few days with all of us wanting more and more "horsie" rides while he visited. 

The video at the top is "Piggies" and the video in the middle is the "horsie ride" video. She cuts the song shorter than it was and I remember him saying, "This one's for ____" but she said, "Save one for ____ " when she sang it and you would insert the child's name in the blank. 
Most of the song is "Da, dada, da, dada, dut, da ta da da," noises but within seconds of actually having the baby on her lap, my mother was singing that song and I didn't remember this but she said her grandfather used to give her rides on his knee singing that song. 

I am guessing my older children remember getting rides on my knee while I sang that tune and song. It makes me wonder how far back that song goes and what the origins are. Both my grand-father and great-grand-father served as Missionaries in the southern states so perhaps they picked it up there. 

It was a long but good day in a bunch of crazy and hectic days.  

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