
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Time Of My "LIFE" At Prom

Princess Five got asked to Prom by a friend of hers. He is an exchange student and he has come over to our house many times to play games. 
When he was over, we talked about the game of "LIFE" and Princess Five went to his host families house and played the game of "LIFE" with them.

Here is a link to the post about how he asked her to prom. 

When he asked her to prom, we started thinking about how we could answer him in a cute way. 

I was shopping at a second hand store a few days later and saw an antique "LIFE" game and passed it by. I was a few isles away before I remembered that they played the game at his house and we had discussed some aspects of the game before. 

I called Princess Five and asked her if she thought that using an antique "LIFE" game would be a cute way to answer him? She said she thought that would be really cute. It was $3 so I bought it. 

I remembered also that the host family he is staying with has a kids version of "LIFE" and doesn't own the actual real game so I thought they could keep it and actually play the game after. 
We scheduled a day when he would be gone but she did give him notice so he could clean his room if he wanted. 

His host family let us in and we put the fake money around the room, on the lights, on the hinges, door knobs, light switches etc. 
Princess Five made a sign and put it above the game board and then sprinkled some "Life" savers around the floor and in the hall along with the money. His little host brother had fun helping and in all the excitement, I forgot to take a video. That won't be the case for prom though! I am excited as this will be my last prom!

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