
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Two Units of Blood and a Pedicure - Spa Hospital Day - 111

I know most of my regular readers will know that my mother is living with me for a few months while we try and deal with some health problems she has been having. 

The day she arrived, I was giving her a pedicure when I found one of her many infections that was causing havoc in her world. Click here for that post and pictures of her toe. She had a huge infection in her big right toe. Not only was the toe infected, but it also has a toenail fungus. 

Since I was soaking it already in peroxide for the toe infection itself, it was a nice plus that I recently found that soaking infected toes and feet fungus in peroxide can help cure that.  

Here is a link to my post about how my toenail fungus has been getting better due to peroxide soaks. I have updated it once recently as my nail grows out healthy and I plan on continuing to update it with photos as my toenail gets better. 
I noticed that my mothers nail has also been growing out healthy since I soaked her feet for a few days in peroxide. 

She has leukemia and with that, she gets low on her red blood cells and has transfusions about once a month. Today, her count was low enough that they gave her two units of irradiated red blood cells. It was an all afternoon affair as the town we live in had to order in the irradiated blood. 

It was a long day but thanks to my sisters donation of a tablet, my mother was able to listen to movies as loudly as she wanted. (She is still hard of hearing due to infections inside her head.) 

While she watched some movies, I was able to give her a pedicure. It took me almost two full movies to just clean and file her nails down. I know she loved having her toes done as she has been begging me fore weeks to paint them. 

I told her we needed to leave the polish off until the fungus grows out. I am also putting tea tree oil (melaleuka) on her fungus nail at night hoping to speed up the process as I don't plan on her being here more than another month so I am trying my best to clear up all her infections and get all the medical stuff done that we can before she moves on. 

The past few days, she has been quite clear of mind most of the day remembering almost everything. She has slipped up a little on small things at night when she is tired but I for one can't judge. 

Princess Five told me at the beginning of the week she cheered every night. I had that in my mind and when the hospital called 40 minutes earlier than we were to arrive and told us the blood was ready early, in my hurry to get my mother ready and out the door, I somehow missed Princess Five telling me that tonight was an away game but she didn't know it earlier so I didn't need to go watch. 

I have so much going on with my mother this week that I guess I couldn't handle another change. I took my camera bag to the hospital with me so I could watch her cheer. The blood took forever and I needed to leave to watch my daughter and since we were in outpatient IV therapy, all the workers had gone and my mother was the only person in the entire place, even the cleaning people had gone. They left us with a call light to the floor of nurses which is a wing away! 

I called my sister in a panic and made her drive the 20 minutes round trip to come and watch her while I went to an empty school. I even got into the building wondering where all the cars were before I had some remembrance that Princess Five told me it was an away game! I felt quite stupid as I rushed back to the hospital to let my sister go home to her kids and to get my mother home to my house. 

We were at the hospital yesterday, did two days last week and were there for over 4 hours today and have an appointment at 9 a.m. in the morning with another Dr. I have another apt. at 3 tomorrow, someone is asking Princess Five to prom at 6, and Princess Five is singing the national anthem and dancing at wrestling tomorrow night and I have Bunko so my sister is "mom sitting" tomorrow night. (Thanks sis for helping tonight, tomorrow and this weekend!)

Princess Five has her state cheer competition this weekend which is a six hour drive and a day of sitting on hard bleachers and a good friend is celebrating her daughter arriving home from serving as a missionary for 18 months on Sunday. All these things are good things and I am happy to do them all but I can't tell you how much I am going to enjoy next week, when so far, I don't have any appointments! 

I thought it was great that the IV pump at the hospital had the number 444 on it and I took a picture and sent it to Princess Two as that is her "God loves me" number. She always sees it when she needs a boost and it lets her know to Trust in God. 

I get home, get us dinner, I tuck my mother into bed, giving her all her medications, drops in her ears, oils on her toe, oxygen on etc and I take off her wrist band from the hospital.... YES, it really did have the number 111 on it. I couldn't even make this stuff up if I tried!!! Thanks Heavenly Father for the constant reminders that everything will be OK! (Click here for the original post about that.) I have many posts on 111. You can search them as I am amazed and how many times that number shows up in my life!  

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