
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Unveiling - Sesame Street T Shirt Quilt for Princess Four

We are finally able to unveil the Sesame Street quilt I made for Princess Four! It is her first t-shirt quilt! 

As you know, I worked lots of long hard hours making this quilt. 
Click here for post one on this.
Click here for post two on this.

Princess Four has collected Sesame Street items since being a very little girl. She LOVES all things Sesame Street or Muppet. Even in high school, I tried to get her to "update" her room making it more "teen" and she refused saying she really liked her room. 

Click here for a post about her room. 

All her sisters have several t-shirt quilts but it was really hard to find enough t-shirts that were Sesame Street to make a quilt. 
As it was, I ended up using three pair of boxers that came with pajama tops as the center row making the quilt more square than long. I made the shirts as LONG as possible to make the quilt a bit longer. 

I posted on my facebook that if anyone had any old Sesame Street shirts or saw any to please let me know as I spent HOURS searching through EVERY rack at two second hand stores and the local Walmart and Kmarts for any Sesame Street Character shirts. 

The only shirt I found was a Cookie Monster with dread locks saying "Munchies" on it. I didn't think that was the most appropriate shirt for my Princess so I didn't purchase that lovely shirt. But, that left me with a few shirts we had from the girls as children.  

I asked Princess to bring home every thing I had purchased her that had any character on them. She actually had quite a lot. In that space of time in between, I found an Elmo shirt and a scrub top that was Sesame Street. 
My dear friend Martha, saw my post and without much ado, ordered me three shirts and a large panel with all the character on it from ebay. Ok, I felt SUPER stupid because it NEVER occurred to me to look online! I spent $100 on shirts and stuff for the Superhero Marvel quilt but could find them everywhere I looked. I NEVER shop online as I have a "hacker" in my life, I never use my credit-card online if I can help it. 

She got them all sent to her house and then sent them to my house all in time for me to put it together! They totally made the quilt! The cute pink one with all the characters I am pointing to in the picture, the Oscar "Humbug" square and the Kermit were all from her as well as the really cute squares I put on the pillow cases. Those panels were a non stretch cotton so I worried putting them on the quilt but they TOTALLY are so adorable on the pillow cases. I put them on opposite cases so she could put the cases against the wall at college showing all the characters at once. 

I wrote on the bottom of one panel, "Donated by mom's best friend Martha" and on the opposite one, "Made by mom 12-15." I haven't signed most of the quilts I have made for the girls but think it is a good idea. I started to stitch it but I was so tired about then that I just used a Sharpie thin tip. I love Sharpie markers for just about anything. 

My favorite square is one at the bottom in the middle. It is a cute little overall the girls used to wear and it says something about cooperation and there are buttons at the top, you undo the buttons and there is a picture of Elmo and Ernie tying Big Bird's shoe. I almost cut off the top flap to make the quilt thinner but I think her kids will have fun opening and looking under that flap. It is on the bottom so it didn't make the quilt thick and can still be "fun" on the quilt. 
She is SO happy with her quilt and talked about it tonight commenting on how excited she is to use it at college. I have my best friend Martha who I met when I moved in across the street from her the week I turned 12! Since I am only 29, that isn't all that long. Ha ha. Seriously though, she really made Christmas for Princess Four and I will share more that her family did for her tomorrow! I am SO blessed with amazing friends

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