
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How Angels Give Us Opportunities to Help Them - Earth Angels

I wanted to blog about this many weeks ago as some of the things in this post happened in November. I had to wait until Christmas as four of the surprises had to do with Christmas. I am SO grateful to the angels that gave the Earthly Angels an opportunity to help. I am so blessed with amazing friends. 

At Halloween time, I was going to watch my daughter perform at a church in another city. I asked a friend whose daughter was also performing if I could get a ride. They said they were leaving right after church and would pick me up. 

I waited at the house and then not wanting to make them late, I walked to the corner of my street. While waiting, I looked down into the leaves in the gutter and saw this little ballet shoe. I knew someone must have lost it on Halloween. I figured it would be ruined with the weather and was going to leave it but my friends didn't come. I didn't know if we miscommunication or what so I was walking back to my house and decided I would put it on the local yardsale site on facebook to see if I could find the owner. It was a designer shoe so I knew it was expensive.

I have posted many things I have found over the years on that site and have found the owners of most of them. I posted it and within about 15 minutes, I found the owner. I just so happened that it was the daughter of one of my friends daughter. I was able to return it and she was SO excited as they loved those shoes. She does photography and dressed kids up etc. I dropped it off at her grandparents house. I was able to be an earth angel that day.

Another day around that time, I had been posting online looking for a guitar and capo. Princess Two has been recording some of her work and posting it online and she didn't have a capo so some of her stuff was a bit high for her range so I wanted to give her one for Christmas. 

I went to our local temple with a friend of mine and we were talking and I mentioned Princess Two singing and writing and she said she had a capo that no one was using that I could have to give Princess Two for Christmas. I had it that week! Thanks Deanna!

Around Halloween, I inquired online about a smart phone someone was selling. That phone sold but another lady said she had a phone I could buy. I kinda wondered when she met me at the local cell phone store as the phone didn't have a charger and the battery was nearly dead but the worker said it had a clear number and we could hook it up. I couldn't test the wifi at the store but when leaving, I looked down and found a penny. I was leary of the seller but knew at that point, things would be ok anyway. We got home and hooked it up, it didn't work. 

That was going to be Princess Five's main Christmas Present as her smart phone is so old that many of the new apps, she can't use. It is also very glitchy and will just shut off at times. I posted about this and here is a link to that post.  

I had a woman contact me that I haven't seen in over 20 years. The last time I saw her was at her wedding reception 22 years ago or so. She taught Princess One in our church primary when we lived on the East Coast. Her mother moved near me a few years ago and we keep in touch and I guess her mother showed her my blog and when she read about the woman scamming me and refusing to return the money the night we bought the phone and for a month following, she talked with her husband and decided to send us her iphone 4s 16 gig for Princess Five. 

I was so touched by this I think I cried at the time as I don't have the money to invest in phone after phone with everything going on in my crazy life right now. I didn't even know she read my blog and haven't talked verbally to her mother in almost four years if I remember right so I just couldn't believe their generosity in our behalf. I was and am truly touched by their grace! 

If you can't tell by the smile in the above pictures as she realized she got a phone, called to hook up the phone and then spent a few hours in the window seat grinning ear to ear as she downloaded apps and snap-chatted her sisters and friends, she LOVES the phone.

THANK YOU STEPHANIE and DOUG for making Princess Five's Christmas!!!! 

Checking out the hat she is wearing.... She has wanted a "snap back" hat for years. Her sister picked up one for another sister when she was on a tour of the East. She felt left out but never said anything. Her friend told her a long time ago, she was getting her one for her birthday. It was an angry bear one that was inexpensive online. She never bought it. Princess came to me one night asking if she could order that one online. I asked why she would want to wear a hat with an angry bear on it. I suggested we look up "snap back hat" online and find something better. 

We searched and I smiled a great smile when I saw one near the beginning of our search that said, "Blessed" on it as she says that all the time!!! When I saw the prices, I suggested to her that maybe I could buy a hat locally and have my friend Mandy embroider "Blessed" on it and she could then pick the colors and font. She liked that idea. 

The next day, I set off on an excursion to every store in town that could sell hats. At Kmart, I was THRILLED to find a galaxy hat on sale for $7. She wanted a turquoise blue and black color but when I said I found a galaxy one, she was really happy. I wanted to get two made so I then tried Walmart and someone there suggested the local printing place. I went in there and found they had three boxes of clearance hats for $2 each. I bought a black one thinking we could use turquoise thread giving her the blue and black looks she was hoping for. 

We went to Mandy home office and Princess was able to pick out the thread color and font and put the words she wanted on the hats. I picked them up Christmas Eve and for less than the price of one online, she got 2 adorable hats with her color and font choice. Mandy only charged me $5 to do both hats! Princess has worn that Blessed hat a few times already and had it on most of the day today. She had me take some winter pictures of her wearing it today! 
My best friend from jr high and high school pulled off Christmas for Princess Four this year. It wouldn't have been the same Christmas at all if it weren't for Martha and her husband Greg! 

Sometime in the month of November, I posted on my facebook page that I was looking for Sesame Street shirts and clothes. Martha wrote me saying she had checked her local second hand stores and wasn't able to find any but that she did find some online. I wrote a little bit about this in my post yesterday. Here is a link to that post.  

She ordered all the shown items and sent them to me when they all arrived to her from their different sellers. You can see the finished product here or in the link above or the video inside that post. Truly, the quilt and matching cases wouldn't have been the same without her kindness!

The other wonderful thing they did was such a blessing. Her husband is a jeweler. If I take a ring into my local jeweler and need a repair, he then sends it her husbands store where he fixes it and I pay them both. I asked if I could just send them two rings Princess Five has broken that I told her I would get repaired over a year ago. She likes to wear rings on all her fingers and then plays with the ones on her thumb bending her thumb with them on the knuckle which has broken two of her larger rings but BOTH are rings she LOVES!!!
I sent them and he got them done and sent back a day or two before Christmas. The shipping he paid to get them back was almost as much as I paid him to fix the rings!! Also, the elephant one was quite bent and had kinks in it besides being broken. It came back looking new!!! You can see the in the top pictures.
My father actually designed his own wedding rings and my friends business made them and they are BEAUTIFUL!!! Truly, talented and Christ like people!!! I am so blessed to have such amazing angels in my life helping me to give my children a wonderful Christmas!!! You can see by her note, she didn't want any credit either! I think Princess Four needs to realize her blessings and how many people helped with our Christmas. I know that we ALL feel blessed!

Princess Four wanted this Disney Princess clock and plugged it in that morning to hear the cute Disney "A dream is a wish your heart makes" song play that she can choose to wake her up in the mornings. We are all in the other room when an alarm sounds. We head into the front room and guess what time an alarm went off on the clock!!!! Yep 1:11. She DID NOT SET the alarm for that time!!!!!! We just smiled at each other knowing that it was God's reminder that he had his heavenly and Earthly angels watching over us this Christmas Day!!!!! 

I hope you all are so blessed with amazing earthly angels!!!!  I also hope that at times, I get to be that earthly angel to others!!! Let us ever be watchful for those opportunities!!!

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