
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homecoming - First Date for Princess Five

I figured I would post about the hair and the dress before showing the pictures of the actual night but both helped Princess feel wonderful about her first date. 
If you can't tell, she is "glowing" about her date. At first, I think she was nervous but on the day of the date, she slept in and her phone doesn't get service in the basement where she had left her phone. She came to my room in her pj's and we were in my room visiting when there was a knock at the door. 

Now, we have a doorbell so usually the only person that knocks over using the bell is my elderly neighbor who gives me fresh veggies several times a week out of his garden. So, when we heard a knock at the door, I told her she was more presentable than I was. I have to admit it was noon but we had both had a VERY long week and it was the week I had the horrible migraine and was in bed all day and then jack hammered my sidewalk the next day causing the splitting headache etc. Here is a link to posts about that. 
OK, so yes, it was noon, but yes, we were still in pajamas and no, we hadn't looked in the mirror or eaten etc. She opens the door and I can hear a confused conversation and wasn't sure who was at the door but I knew it wasn't my neighbor. 

I guess her date decided that morning that their groups should go on a hike. She comes running in saying, "My date is here to pick me up!" I said, "I thought he was picking you up at 6:30?" she said, "That is what I thought!" I asked her if she left him standing outside and she said she did. I quickly got dressed and went out and talked with him while she got ready. I asked if he had told her about the hike and he said he had texted her.  

I asked, "When did you text her?" and he answered that he texted her at ten a.m. that morning. I laughed out loud at that one. I didn't say anything to him but I would have thought that if you don't get a reply to a text, you don't assume that the person got it but I have to hand it to Princess Five, we had just been having a conversation right before he came about how she can make any date a fun experience by having a good attitude and how I notice when she has a good attitude, I like being around her more. She admitted that she needed to work on that and just about that point is when the knock came. 

She took the conversation to heart. I hurried and fed her a banana while she put on her shoes and I got her a granola bar as she sometimes gets light headed with low blood sugar. They had waters for her so she basically got ready in about five minutes. Pulled her hair in a pony, stuck on a tie dyed t-shirt and was out the door. 

They hiked the same hike that we did for girls camp that she couldn't go on with us because she had the play. Here is a link to my post about making the pirates map for that hike

They spent the afternoon hiking and then went right to his house for dinner so she ate dinner all sweaty and when she arrived home she couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had! I think because she didn't know about it, she couldn't stress, worry etc. She was who she was! He saw her straight out of bed! What could be worse, so she just relaxed and had fun! 

She arrived home with just over an hour to get showered and ready. We both worked on getting her ready and I had the boutonniere made by then so it was good. It was cute how she told me that our talk that morning about having a good attitude and me sharing a story about how I asked a boy out on a date and he didn't reply until the night before that he couldn't go so I just called a friend of mine and asked him to go and that was one of my favorite dates, really helped her to have a good time on the date! 

With the day date going so well, I could tell she was really excited to go to the dance. She had helped decorate and knew that having a new school and it being the first dance at the new school and it being her first date and her first dance, she would have fun. 

She told me how she wanted her hair and I did it how she wanted it. I posted about that two days ago. Then, having altered the dress so she didn't have to worry or pull it up all night or wear a jacket, made her able to just have no worries that way. She bought some cute black heels that she could wear but in the end, decided that flats would be more comfortable and easier to dance in so she could relax that way and not worry about her feet hurting either. 

Truly, she was grinning ear to ear the entire time and as you can see in the pictures, she really is! I was in such a rush about everything that I didn't take any video. I texted her just after they left asking to have his family take some as they went back to his house to take a few pictures and she didn't look at her phone so we have no video but I think the pictures tell all! 

She didn't get any pictures at the dance as her date wanted to use his phone but we haven't gotten any copies of those. Someone from their group did post some of the hike pictures so we did see those. 

I LOVED how he tied his tie. I haven't seen that knot in a tie before so I had to take a picture of it to show you how cool it looked. He said there is a site online that shows hundreds of ways to tie them. Having no boys, who knew?  

He did a great job on the corsage. She told him turquoise and the fresh flowers in it matched the boutonniere I made perfectly. I took a close up just so you could see how well it matched.    

Princess came home with lots of stories about how much fun she had. It is another mile stone.... I am getting old! ha ha   

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