
Friday, June 19, 2015

The Nightmare Of It All – Horsehair, Nematomorpha, Gordian Worm - Stongyloides Stercoralis or Thread Worm Part 5


This post mostly will be about testing and information. I do want to include some things I forgot or didn't know. Tingling and numbness in my hands and feet. I just realized about two minutes ago what it is caused by. I soaked my hands in hydrogen peroxide last night trying to kill off more of the parasites in that phase and there are millions inside me and I am still having horrible chest / lung burning much of the time. My hands went numb a few minutes ago which they have been more and more and my feet as well. I realized that it feels somewhat like when I can "feel" the parasites popping out after soaking in hydrogen peroxide. My lungs are burning now for about an hour and just a minute ago, I could feel the tingling in my hands and feet. They parasites are on the move and burrowing into or out of my hands which causes the numbing / tingling feeling. 

Also, Princess Five has had the face rash I shared about on another post. She has been running for cheer this past week. She came home one day telling me she could "taste" blood while running and had to stop and got pale and had to sit for a few minutes as they are in training for endurance at the moment. I figured it was post nasal drip and didn't worry about it as she didn't "spit" blood or anything. Later, she came up saying that in the shower, she had mucose and blood tinged or streaked she was coughing up.

When I have laughed so hard I cried and couldn't catch my breath, I could "feel" things coming up in my lungs and started coughing.This was BEFORE I had the super infection. I figured it was something like that. I went down and was cleaning the bathroom and removing hair from the drain in the shower and blood came up with the hair. I questioned her more about it and she said it was quite bloody. I guess the parasites aren't liking the deep breathing and the medications for this. She has in the past snorted and rinsed her sinus with baking soda and salt mixed in warm water and it helped her rash and her sinus issues she has fought for a few years now. I suggested she start doing that again several times a day and it seems to be helping. 
I also (after getting the super / hyper infection) felt things in my nose and have had many blood streaked tissues but it is usually just tinged but with all the running and working out, I think it exacerbated it. She used to get lots of nose bleeds as a child. More than all the other girls combined. I think that may have been some of the issue as well. 

I made another video sharing a bit more but it covers similar things just hopefully in better lighting and about how to make the parasites show up after soaking them for a few days if you need to show your doctor. 

I am grateful I have figured out what it is and pray I can heal my family and help others know what is wrong as it took me so long to figure it out. 

TESTING – The “up to date,” “CDC” and other specialist sites for parasites have differing information but most can agree that stool samples for this parasite are not the way to go. One site states that 90% of stool samples for one stool are negative. With three stool samples at different times, 70% with still test negative. They say with seven tests throughout the month takes it down to 10% negative and 90% showing this parasite. Most Dr.’s aren’t going to order 7 tests for a parasite. I had three samples and had a negative result.

The blood assays are hard because there are about 40 variants of Strongyloides worms. The tests get false positives with hook worm and a few other types of parasites as well so they share several other types of “wash” tests etc but none are conclusive often enough to be the “go to” test for the thread worm. The one test they say is usually conclusive is a test where you swallow a capsule that has a string in it. The string is then retrieved somehow and they look at it under a microscope and find parasites on the string that look like “black, brown or redish” threads, thus, “Thread worm” for its non-clinical name.

Because most of my “worms” were on tape, they weren’t round anymore and can’t be identified. I also soaked my feet in hydrogen peroxide, I then set the bag I used with the the peroxide on end and let the "stuff" collect in the bottom corner. When I would look at the sediment through the magnifier, I could see lots of black threads and some roundy looking worms. The lab told me that I needed to preserve the worms and needed the highest proof alcohol that I could find. I am working on a test that will be easier for diagnosis. They could go down into my lungs with a scope and take a biopsy but without real insurance, that isn’t an option for me. Specialists aren’t covered under my limited coverage.

We are waiting back on the results of my “non-clinical” attempt at extraction of larva. I am hoping it will prove the diagnosis as all we can do is treat the symptoms but I have every symptom I have found online and each site has just a few different ones than the site before it but I keep finding new one’s due to my increase in symptoms.

GENERAL INFORMATION ON THREAD WORM - In the US, many people call “pin worm” thread worm which is sad because they are two VERY different parasites but because they are both in the “round worm” family with hook worm and some others, they get called differently here than in other places in the world. Research can be difficult because of this cross naming of it, so searching for Strongyloides is probably a better way to search for this parasite.

This worm can reproduce on its own without a male present. It has three forms. It hatches in the lungs as larva, they crawl up to the back of the throat where they are then swallowed. They can bore at this point and move through the body in the lymph system sometimes causing edema. When they are too large to move that way, they get to the stomach and other digestive tract spots and set up shop. They shed or molt twice in the gut before becoming adult worms. They come out to lay their eggs but can live up to six years as an adult. They can also live outside the human body which makes them very hard to kill as you can pick them up again from the soil or your cat. They say hand washing is key to not spreading them but if you have rashes, they just look like dry skin and aren’t always itchy. They can live in soil and my guess is they can live in your underwear and sheets infecting those you sleep with. They like laying eggs by the anus and can come out that way to lay eggs. I didn’t have those symptoms all the time but have over the past months since I took the vermox and a little before that.
The “Vermox” kills round worms but I took just enough to kill the adults which then died in the body and the eggs that were inside of them then all hatched causing me to have a “Super” infection causing all these worse symptoms. With the super infection, most sites state over an 80% mortality rate! Finding this early is key. It isn’t found in the US often so Dr.’s don’t know how to spot signs, diagnose or test for it. People can live with this infection for decades and not know they have it as there body keeps it in check. Steroids, immunosupressed people and people like me who unknowingly, cause a super infection are at higher risk for the autoimmune hyperinfection syndrome.  

Obviously, some of the information on the internet is wrong. I am fairly sure it caused by cats. I have asked many, many people who have cats if they have ever "wormed" their cats and none have. Not one person ever has. So, with that, I think this will be the new parasite infestation in the U.S. in a short time!


  1. Oh. My sweet spirit. I've been suffering with this for 8 months. I now have giant pieces of like worm egg sacs coming from my skin. I've been prepared and am still prepared to die. I'm scared. I've needed this article for this entire time. I'm bawling. Please pray for me.

    1. I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with this! I hope I can find something to help this soon. I am still searching for a cure. I'll pray for you! Have a blessed day!
