
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Nightmare Of It All – Horsehair, Nematomorpha, Gordian Worm - Stongyloides Stercoralis or Thread Worm Part 4


RX – TREATMENTS I TRIED – I bought parasite cleanses over the counter at health food stores. I bought them from naturpaths. I saw a “Parasite Specialist” that gave me ozonated olive oil, prescribed tons of expensive pills that made me feel worse and use an electronic zapper that you hold in your hands. Most had some type of Walnut in them. They worked to some extent but never got rid of it completely. 

The best one I tried was one I found online. It was called “Colonix” cleanse. Click here to see a post about that. I used this several times over the seven years. It helped but never got rid of them completely. I did their three month recommendation but at the end, I got really moody. My oldest daughter did the three months cleanse after serving as a missionary in rural Philippines and had the same reaction in the third month. I think it depletes you of vitamins or something being on it so long. I tried stuff from chiropractors.

I was taking large amounts of lugols iodine and rubbing it on my abdomen for about a year which I think helped keep the stomach issues down but when I had my thyroid tested in 2013 and the TPO was so high, I stopped as I read that can cause thyroid issues. I think that was how I was able to survive so long without as many problems though as it also kills them.

I drank diatomaceous earth in water by the spoonful. I tried GSE or grapefruit seed extract, I tried eating papaya and the black seeds but that got expensive. I’ve eaten Apricot pits, Avocado pits, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, coconut, coconut water and oil and anything anyone told me was antiparasitic in nature.

I visited many Dr.’s and none of them did much of anything other than ordering “other” tests. The last did an ova and parasite stool test x 3 but in 24 hours and it was negative. I always felt like I needed to drink coke and would feel better after drinking it as I felt like it was keeping the parasites down. When I would go a few days without drinking it, I would start to get worse symptoms. 

One day, I was at a store that sells essential oils. I felt really impressed that I needed to buy a specific oil. I went back to it three times and finally figured I would get it. I am extremely limited on funds not being able to word due to fatigue and rashes etc. When I got to the check out, that one little 5 ml bottle was over $106! It is called “Neroli” oil. When I did research on it, one of its main properties is antiparasitic!! It is the “secret” ingredient in coke! I would put a drop of it on my tongue and touch it to the roof of my mouth just because that is what I felt I should do. 

I also have used “thieves” oil which has rosemary in it for years at night swishing it in my mouth as it helped the cough and mouth sores. I shared about using rosemary and frankincense oil to help as well. I tried some essential oils parasite cleanses with some relief for a few months but nothing I tried has obviously worked on the long term. I bought some Neroli “Water” which is pulled out after they extract the oil from the orange blossoms. It is so expensive because the orange blossoms are hand picked and can’t be heated high so they use water to extract the oils. The water is a bit cheaper and seemed to help some but not a cure, just helping curb the symptoms.
I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars chasing this with co-pays, health food stores, online products, trying anything I could find to rid me of this plague inside me.
I am praying that the drugs the Dr. ordered will help. For one week of treatment, the pills are near $4000. I need to be treated over and over every two weeks for six month which is no guarantee that it will be cured. The comments from all the sites I have looked at aren’t optimistic, especially on the chat rooms online. Many people just keep fighting the fight as I have for so long.  I purchased the same drugs that cost $4000 for a week at the farmers market in liquid form to make creams to put on our rashes which has been helping. The sheep and cattle treatments cost just under $80. Why are they marking up the human pills so much? It is sad to me that I have lived with this for so long when treatment was a mile away. I should have gone to a vet in the first place!

I can only “feel” them coming out but am not sure that is what it is but, sometimes at night, I wake up with them coming out in weird spots like the back of my knee. I have a paper of tape that I have pushed on a spot when I can “feel” one coming out and when you look at the tape under the jewelers loop, you can see a black thread looking string. EVERY piece of tape I have done this with has a black “thread” on it at some place.

The Dr. prescribed Albenza 200 mg per Kilo per day for seven days. Take it with food. In two weeks, repeat. He prescribed Invermectin, 8 tablets a day for a week on an empty stomach not eating for an hour after. Wait two weeks and start again on the seven days treatment. He suggested taking the diatomaceous earth three times a day for a month. I will report in the future how this works for me. 

I DID NOT take the treatment as he prescribed. Let me explain why I didn't feel like I should. On my first visit, he was going to prescribe treatment traditionally with one or two doses of the main round worm pills. I told him about me taking the Vermox and how it put me into super infection. I told him I WOULDN'T give my girls anything that I thought would do this to them. He realized that we needed to do more research. 

After he saw my hand with the second stage parasites floating around my lymph, and I showed him more research on the parasite, he prescribed the above drugs to be taken together and the diatomaceous earth. As it took a few more days to get the Invermectin than the Albenza, I started with the Albenza first for about three days. I was going to take the Invermectin pills when I finally got them, I felt STRONGLY that I should wait three more days before taking it. If you read this blog and know me, I follow those promptings and "feelings" as they have protected and guided me in the past and actually helped me diagnose this parasite. On the morning of the third day, I got eager to take the new pill and said a prayer asking why I had to wait, and the answer I got more than satisfied my need. It was kind of a chastising answer but made me laugh still the same. Into my head came me laying in a bed swollen and feeling VERY sick with headaches and swelling. 
That was enough for me. I waited until the next day as it was Monday and the first week of summer we didn't have anything going on. I took the pill and was already suffering with edema and swelling in my hands and feet. I ended up laying on the couch in my underwear watching netflicks for a few hours. Princess Five walked in and saw that and just stopped in her tracks! I laughed saying, "Get a good look because this week will be the only time in my life that you will see this!" I was SOOOOOOO tired and swollen and couldn't function. She was so sweet and rubbed my feet twice but my lymphs in my legs were so sore so had to use a VERY gentle hand as I was sore with all the die off. I also was suffering with a "die off" headache caused by many of them dying at the same time. The documentation on the pills (which I read after the fact while laying on the couch) said that edema and headaches are side effects of the meds but also there could be pulmonary edema and pulmonary clots (dead parasites) which is really scary. It also said your eye could rupture if you have them in you eye etc. 

At that point, I figured it is best that I followed the promptings I got in answer to my prayers about what I should do and how I should proceed. There were some other horrible side effects but I know having waited and also doing the hand and feet soaks in hydrogen peroxide helped me kill them off at different times and rates as to NOT having the horrible side effects I could have had I treated myself with it all at the same time.

See tomorrow where I finish up with this horrible parasite post! 

To be Continued.....     

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