
Friday, May 29, 2015

Found Out Something New Today

Can you say Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase?

That is one of the tests the Dr. ran on my last week. It has a shortened name when they order the test and it is called the MTHFR test. 

I stopped in to see the Dr. for a second at the end of the business day yesterday. He had a baby to deliver and another patient and was already there after hours but he did say that I have low Vitamin D. 

That is no surprise to me as we don't eat lots of dairy as several of the girls have allergies and I don't digest it well so I often take a D supplement and have gone tanning sometimes in the past as well. 

That alone wouldn't explain how tired I am all the time but he did run other tests. Two of my thyroid tests came back abnormal. That also is not anything new. The last Dr. I went to said that as long as the TSH is normal, they won't do anything. Why test the other hormones then? Obviously there is a reason or they wouldn't have the tests. He did a TSH test and it showed normal in January. The new Dr did several tests which point towards "Hashimotos Disease" which is a thyroid issue where your body thinks the thyroid is bad and starts to destroy it. 

Symptoms include: 
fatigue (yes)
weight gain (yes)
pale or puffy face (yes)
feeling cold (for hours nightly! I bought a mattress heating pad to get warm and can't sleep until my body gets warm. This has been going on for years now and my cousin that is my age mentioned it and recently my sister mentioned this as well. Just in bed at night being cold.)
joint and muscle pain (every morning for about 20 minutes)
constipation (eating lots of grains has helped this)
dry and thinning hair (yes, but I have a thick head of hair so this isn't as noticeable)
heavy menstrual flow or irregular periods (worse a few years ago, not so much now)
depression (thank heavens not this. I keep up on taking my vitamins which I list on my blog - click here for that)
panic disorder, a slowed heart rate, and problems getting pregnant and maintaining pregnancy (no, no and no for the last three that I have noticed anyway, with five children, I would think getting pregnant wasn't my issue.) ha ha 
Enlarged Thyroid gland (yes, told the other Dr. in January I was having a hard time swallowing. He did nothing and tested just my TSH this Dr. said he could feel it and it was enlarged. I felt it was and have choked on food often in the last six months.) 
Thyroid Peroxidase - TPO test high. (Two years ago it was 590 plus. Last week it was 187. But, 0.3 - 9 is normal range so it is still very high. Some say gluten is the culprit and I haven't eaten any (on purpose but had a few accidental doses) since September of 2013 and it has gone down a great deal since then so I am thinking that not eating gluten may be helping the issue)
Thyroglobulin Test is high. 0-14 is normal, (mine is 42.7).

The last test the Dr. Mentioned being abnormal yesterday (there are other abnormal tests but he didn't have time to discuss them) was the MTHFR test I started out mentioning. It is basically an issue where you can't produce certain amino acids. My specific genetic issue is with the Heterozygous gene. Genetic defects that show up on this type of test can cause different things. I am not sure exactly which this one effects but some of the defects can cause blood disorders like bruising easily or bleeding issues. Some cause mood issues, certain leukemia etc. Depending on which gene the mutation is on, depends on which issues you have. My guess is mine is the amino acid non-absorption one. ha ha Nothing ever feels like it is being absorbed, even water.

It also increases homocystines in your body which can cause MIGRAINES! That explains so much! I also read that those with hypothyroid problems can have worse symptoms because the thyroid produces hormones needed for the MTHFR gene. BOY, that explains so much! It also mentions it can interfere with melatonin production which would explain my sleep issues for the past few years.

I spoke to one of his office staff today about it and she has a similar defect. She said they can prescribe that amino acid in pill form and it costs about $1 a day. She stopped taking them as she couldn't afford it but she didn't notice a huge difference but mentioned that she did know someone whose life was turned around when she started taking it. She felt like a different person. I guess it is like anything else, everyone is different in how they react. 

One site suggested that you consume a diet with folate-rich foods such as spinach, asparagus, chickpeas, beans, and broccoli. Ummmm gassy foods?!!!

  There are some other issues still ongoing that I am quite sure I have but I will post them later. We are still working on the testing for it. I do know that prayers are answered and that eventually, God will allow me to be healed in His time. I have always felt that I was going through this to help my family figure out health issues as well as with my mom's health. She just keeps gaining weight no matter what and is so tired all the time. I continue to pray that I figure it all out so we can both live a happier life and since this is genetic, hopefully I can help my children live happier, longer lives without the trauma and health problems many of my family have suffered with for years.

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