
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Cheer - Senator - Academic Letter = Amazing PRINCESS FIVE

The past few weeks have been so busy (and I've been tired trying to keep up) that I have missed out on blogging some great things in our world.

Princess Five ran for Jr. Senator. She wrote up this lovely statement for her campaign and we put up some posters that we used last year and just changed out "sophomore" for "Junior" so she didn't have to do much work. 
She gave a speech and was in a skit and played "Where's Waldo" But inserted her name for Waldo's. 

She won the election and we got a wonderful blessing in that they are going to use the same sweater that you see her wearing in the top picture as a Sophomore Senator, for this years Student Body Officers!! So, she only has to pay for the new "title" to be stitched on instead of paying $60 for a new sweater!!! 
We were both really happy about their decision to keep the sweaters as I liked them much better than the sweat shirts they used to have when the other girls were in student government. 
During that same week, she had try outs for Cinderella which the community will be doing for the summer play this year. Click here to view the post about that.  

She was disappointed to not get the part of Cinderella as she was told the year before that she would probably get that part. 
I told her it was her own doing by hamming up her tryout for the "Step-sister" as you can see in the post I link you to, the video clearly shows her hamming it up for that part. She is excited for the play and I am sure I will be posting her wonderful performance of that this summer.

She also had cheer tryouts that week. She wasn't sure she was going to do cheer again as it is so time consuming but she got excited about it again and decided to try out. 

They had closed tryouts for the entire day and you couldn't see the girls to take a picture or visit in the halls as in years past. I did snap the above picture with her try out number as I picked her up with a "good luck" gift after it was over. 

They were able to go back that evening and check to see if their number made the team. Last year, I got no reaction as I think she was in shock so I told her to over react this year if she made the team which we were sure she would. 

She goes all out hamming it up and I realized that I had the video off. She looked over with a thumbs up and I laughed telling her I messed up so she started jumping around and hugging girls again just for me to get a "reaction" video. It was our joke. So, that is the video above.
The team met that night for treats at the local drive-in and enjoyed meeting their new team mates. 

A few days later, the older girls that are graduating, "Kidnapped" the girls on the team for the next year and did some fun things with them but since it was a school night, they got them home at a decent hour.   

Princess Five also got Math, English and a few other awards but we had to leave early for her to get to play and cheer practices respectively. 

Then in the school assembly this week, she got an Academic Letter, $25 for almost perfect attendance and missed out on $40 for no tardies due to a sleep over weekend at a friends out of town who goes to school in town during the week and home on the weekends. That one tardy cost her a bit this year.

She also got a great "thank you" gift for being a senator from the adviser which included a cute engraved key-chain which she is so excited to use in just two months!!

This past month has been a big one for Princess Five. It is shaping up to be a great, but busy, summer for her as well! 

I am proud of you Princess Five. Keep up the good work!!!! You are AMAZING!!!!!!

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