
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Best Toy and Best Game Pick of Christmas Day

I was working on some projects today and it got really late and I didn't want to take the time to upload videos or I would be up all night again so I looked at my "draft" folder and realized that I had never posted this post about Christmas. I had already uploaded the video and pictures but never actually wrote the post. 

This happens so often to me. I start writing something or think I actually posted about something and when I search my blog, the post never comes up. 

I then start searching my photos for that time and realize that I took the photos to blog about but then other events came up so I posted about the newer event rather than the stuff that happened before those events. I still have drafts of when Princess four and five tried out and made drill team three years ago that I uploaded the photos onto the site but never actually posted them or took the time to write anything. 

Life gets so crazy in May and I find myself always behind. I have to say with only one in school at home, it has been the best May in years but as you can see by these posts, May is usually crazy. This post is from 2010. I searched for a few more and after 20 or more posts with the word "May and Crazy" I gave up looking for them. 
I wanted to share this post as it is for the best game and best toy of Christmas. The best toy was the one in the top picture. It is a voice commanded puppy. You name it and then when you say its name, it wakes and you can give it about 20 commands and it does whatever you tell it to do. Beg, play dead, sit, tug of war etc. VERY fun toy. Just look at the grin on Prince One's face! His name is "Lucky" until you change his name to one that you like. Here is a link to him on Amazon. He was a hit. I think Prince One liked his new puppy!

We played new games over the holiday as well. Here is how that came about.  I did something new. I shared how I bought videos and we played a game on Christmas eve to pick who got what video. Here is a link to that post. I also posted about our "candy trail" not just being candy any more. Click here for that post
I wanted to share that because the girls are older, they don't want toys. They all are in different cities. Five girls in five different cities means they can't share games or videos. So, with that, I know what games they like and started collecting them. 
It is always interesting to me that when I put it "OUT THERE" that I want something specific, I usually get that item within a short amount of time. 

People often comment, "If you are looking for something, tell (insert my name here) and she will find it for you." 

I usually tell someone when I am looking for something out loud so that I hear myself say it and others know I am looking for it. For some reason, that usually makes a difference. 

When I started looking for specific games, I was able to find those games in a short time and was glad to be able to get the girls the games they were looking for as gifts. 

I also purchased lots of candy and let them each take turns taking the candy they wanted as well. This way, they all could get games, videos and candy they liked without me having to remember who had what movie or game. 
I tried to get a picture of each person with their stack of games but don't think I succeeded with this. We picked numbers to see who got to pick their game first and Princess Five won that and happily picked "Quelf" for her first pick. 

Several of the girls wanted that game as they had played it and knew it was fun. They ended up playing it a few times. I joined them for one of the games and it is a fun game. 

There are cards that tell you what to act out and no one knows what you are doing. Sometimes you have to interact with another player etc. The game changes often which makes it fun. Some of the things can make you feel embarrassed as you do them but that is part of the fun. In the video, you see Princess Two riding an ostrich. 

In the purple bin photo, you see Prince One digging in candy. We opened all the bags of candy and then just let everyone take a gallon baggie and fill it full of whatever candy they liked. It was odd that most of the candy went as some liked one and others like different ones. 
The girls each went home with games, videos and candy which is what they spend their time doing at college. They have friends over and play games, watch movies and eat junk!! What better gifts for all the single ladies in my life. Of course, as you can see in the pictures, Prince number One had a great time collecting his stash of games, videos and candy as much as the rest of us! He fits in so well! 

Thanks for letting me catch up on some of my "draft" posts.

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