
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentine Tradition, New Location

This year, we weren't all together for Valentines day. We were in five different cities across the state. 

If you have read this blog for long, you will know that we have an annual Valentines Day Scavenger hunt. 

Princess One invited us to her house last week and I secretly packed a few treats so we could celebrate with the three girls that were going to be visiting. 
Here is a link to our hunt in 2013.

Here is a link to our hunt in 2012. 
Here is a link to our hunt in 2011.

I guess I didn't post one last year with the baby being born.

Princess Two and Princess Five were able to go and we had an early Valentines day.

It was Grand Princess One's first Valentines hunt. Not that she had any idea what was going on but she was happy with her "Dorthy" doll as her mom collects "The Wizard of Oz" and at some point, they want to do her room in that.

Princes number one loves Disney and book they are two of his favorite things. I found a Disney "Magic Eye" book. It is one of those books that when you stare at the page, it becomes 3-D.

I thought the pictures was funny as his eyes are going crossed. :-)

My niece and her husband and kids were there and I gave them Snickers bars and some other treats.

On Valentines Day, the only person I had home was Princess Four. She was home for the long weekend and Princess Five was at a retreat weekend. I did a trail of candy and a card and sweater for Princess Four.

It was fun getting to see most of the kids in the last week and I got to speak to Princess Three for several hours as well. It was a great Valentines Day and I had some wonderful reminders that my Heavenly Father loves me. I hope your Valentines Day was wonderful as well.       

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