
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sit-itus and Grand Princess Number ONE

It isn't even nine p.m. and I have fallen asleep at the desk about ten times. I have been cleaning house, having company and LOVE having my grand-baby Grand Princess One here for the past few days. Of course it is nice having her parents here as well but we can't seem to get enough of her.

I have a few cute videos I want to down/upload to share but I am by far toooooo tired and have sit-itus beyond belief and I helped Princess and Prince One get a nice hotel room though a wonderful friend for their third anniversary so they are off getting a good night sleep while we take the baby on for the night. (Click here to see a post about their wedding. Here is another. There are many others you can search for at the bottom of the page.)

She is sleeping now so I think I may just go to bed early and sleep when she sleeps as she still wakes in the night some so this post is short but how adorable is she!!! I LOVE being a grandma! Worlds best Christmas present EVER having her here. We are continually holding her so her parents will have to deal with her always wanting to be held when they get home but for now, we are LOVING it. I am headed to sleep. 

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