
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Fun Christmas Eve Game - Video Yahtzee

 This year for Christmas Eve, (we celebrated a day early due to some plans after Christmas) I wanted to do something different. 

I heard of a friend that played 21 on Christmas Eve with her kids. I didn't think that would go over with my girls but tried to think of something fun we could do. 

This year for Christmas, I told them I was getting them movies, games and candy. 

They all love movies. They all like playing games with friends and family and who doesn't like candy?
I had some things to return to Walmart so I waited until the day after Halloween and made all my returns which got me a large giftcard. 
With that gift card, I was able to purchase lots of candy that I normally wouldn't purchase. I thought of playing a game with the candy but I had bags of most of the same candy for each girl so I thought it would be better if I did something with the movies. 
My first thought was to play a game and whoever wins, gets first pick at the movies and then we rotate around just picking the next morning. 

I then thought that since it would take some time for us to pick out the movies, I would do a variation on the "candy" game where you roll the dice and if you get even numbers, you pick a movie. 

If you get odd numbers, you put one back. If you get all of one number, you get to steal a movie from another player. 

I realized this kept me out of the game so I then threw in that if you rolled the same number that round as mom, you get to put one of your movies into a "safe" zone where no one can steal it. 

This was a hit as some of the more coveted movies were taken back and fourth a few times before making a "safe zone" in someone's pile.

I have been collecting for months and checked the online classified regularly for someone selling their movies for $1 - $3 each and then I would make them a group offer and many times by taking most of the movies, I would get them for under $2. Sometimes even under $1 each. 

I would keep checking the second hand stores. Often times, I would get new movies for $2-$4 there. 
I thought it was funny as you can see in a few of the pictures, the kids kept hiding the names of movies they picked so no one would steal them. It was also funny how they were climbing all over the boxes. 
The kids said it was good fun but now they have most movies they would want so I need to come up with a different plan for next year. 

The younger girls ended up with the most movies by defalt as the older girls have many of them already. Princess Five only had one or two movies but as they all take them off to college, I know at some point she will like having them to take.
Sit-itus is really bad as I was up all night putting thing out and finishing up a project or two. It is 7 a.m. and i hope to get a minute or two sleep before everyone is up. 

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