
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Decorating for Halloween - Princess Five, Girl on Fire

If you have read my blog for many years, you understand that I USED to decorate and throw parties for every holiday but since my divorce, being a single mom and with busy kids, I didn't make decorating a priority. Princess Five would always ask me how come other people could decorate and we couldn't. 

She would ask every year about Christmas lights and decorations and to this day, she and Princess Four have never seen my Christmas decorations. I keep thinking I need to drag them out and throw most away but I know the older girls will want many of the decorations that I made and they remember but the younger girls probably won't care. 
Finally, three years ago, (Click here for that post) I pulled out the Halloween decorations and here is the post about that. I haven't done much the past two years but at least she has seen them at least once now. 

I realized that holidays have rough memories for me as I have always had to do them alone even when married.The girls dad wasn't involved much with holiday activities and didn't appreciate decorations saying they would "Make great kindling sometime!"and his co-workers got him a bunch of "Scrooge" gifts one year. I realized a few years ago that those decoration reminded me of the stress that holidays caused in my life. 
I wanted to make it fun for the girls but it was always a source of contention. 

This in turn has affected decorating for holidays. I used to decorate for every holiday. I had all sorts of fun fourth, St. Patrick's day, Summer, Fall, Winter and holiday decorations I would just change out almost monthly. Not that I had a ton for each but a few fun books for each and usually the stuffed animals for the back of the couch. Books and stuffed animals are both kid friendly decorations. 

With that realization, I decided to get new and different decorations with no memory attached and have purchased a few new ones. Here is a post about last years decorating where I bought about ten dollars worth of decorations and didn't pull out any of our real decorations. 

Looking at what I pulled out tonight, almost all of them are new decoration and I did take a box of the old ones to a second hand store. 

I did want to show you several spots that we decorated but I am saving my favorite two for tomorrows post. 

Princess Five was so excited about it she pulled out the bottle collection that we started for her to have for Halloween decorations this past year. I told her that she should decorate for every holiday and to make it fun for her kids and apologized for not decorating and making her childhood holidays as enjoyable as they could have been having had it decorated.

She tried to act like she didn't care but she was SO cute getting out her bottle and putting all the stuff animals on the couch and bringing up some of the Halloween story books that we have for the table. 

I bought two new skeletons that are about 3 feet tall. They are so fun. I showed where I hung them in the pictures. I also learned how to change out fuses as one of the little lighted pumpkins and the Halloween light both needed new fuses and weren't working.

That part of my night was not my favorite as it took me an hour to figure out what the problem was as one of the extension cords had a blown fuse which I didn't know was possible. So, perhaps I will take some time to show how to do that for a post as I wouldn't have had much light on the porch without changing out both those fuses. 
And, tomorrow, I am going to show you Princess Five's potion and poison bottle collection and what we used to fill them. It was a fun night figuring what to use in the bottles.

You can see we used some of the decorations from girls camp this year including the candlaubras using fun tack to attatch them to the walls and the fun pictures that are holographic and change as you move past them that I shared in the second link above.

Come back tomorrow for the fun collection!

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