
Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Pool Party - Prizes For All - In God We Trust

Being a single parent on a limited income, we don't often eat out much or go to the movie theater as I can purchase the movie for less than the cost of all of us to get into the theater to view the movie. Our eating out, mall shopping and movie experiences have been limited but not non-existent.
Our orthodontist throws a customer appreciation pool party every year using up lots of his trades with people for the food etc. He gives out gift cards from his trades as well and then he purchases a table full of toys and gift cards to give away. 

We have gone for years but have missed a few as they send out the invitation in the bill but since we usually pay up front, we don't get a bill. This year, Princess Five put it in her phone when she saw the flyer at her appointment a few weeks ago. We were headed out to go bowling and play pool on Saturday and her phone alarm went off and she remembered the pool party. Here is a post about us going in 2010.  
The girls didn't want to swim but wanted the free food as they usually have pizza, snow cones, and some other type of food. They had a luau type of thing going and several types of food which was nice as I couldn't eat most of the food they offered being off gluten products. I can't believe is has been a year now coming up that I haven't eaten gluten. It has gone fast. 
Anyway, we were going to go bowling and we saved ourselves a bit not going bowling and in the end, we ended up making LOTS of money by going to the pool party. 

First off, Princess Five won a lime green lava lamp. I then won a $15 Subway card. Princess Four then won a $25 movie theater gift card and we all laughed when she won that as it was the exact same thing she won last year. I didn't post about her winning it but I did post about when she was going to use it in this post.  

Then, Princess Four won a $25 itune gift card. She didn't really get excited about that as we have a large credit on itunes but they just listen to playlists online most of the time. 

A boy the girls knew won a Rue 21 gift card for $25 and they asked if he wanted to trade and he did so Princess Four will be shopping for some new belts she wanted that the other girls purchased there. 

I also gave her my $15 gift card since he birthday is coming up and she will be at college far away and I won't be able to come and take her to lunch like I did when she was nearer.

So, for the day, we got $65 in gift cards, a Lava Lamp and free lunch. 

We went to the grocery store on the way home and I bought bananas and pointed out to Princess Four who was in line with me that the total for them was $1.11 and on the way out the door, yes, we did find a penny. You may wonder why I point out so many times when I find them and it is because I give gratitude for each one as it is a reminder to Trust in God and with everything going on that is lately, I have needed lots of reminders. 

I had Princess Threes car in again with the "Service engine soon" light on three times just this week. I am grateful for her car and for the gentle and constant reminders that my Heavenly Father gives me to trust His promptings and counsel. He does take care of us well and now the girls can go out to the movie, to eat and buy an outfit! Their Heavenly Father provides and watches out for them well! 

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