
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Snoopy Quilt - Part 5 Favorite Square - Part 2

Once again, Princess Three and I were up all night. We only have two days before she moves far away and I want to make sure she has this cute quilt to take with her. I also started another project yesterday and worked on it some today and will hopefully get it posted soon. 

We finished sewing the squares together today and then all the rows together and the top is finally all put together. 

Last night, I was posting and looking for that cute picture of Princess One in the yellow Snoopy dress and I found this adorable picture of Princess Three wearing a Snoopy shirt that is now on her quilt. It was one of her birthday parties and my nieces and some of her good friends are in the picture along with her sisters.
You can see the shirt square that is now in the quilt that was in the picture. It is a little worse for the wear but still an adorable square on the quilt and now a little more special that I have her in a picture wearing it with her friends and family. 
These shorts were ones she was still wearing but she really wanted them on the quilt because they were hers. She has worked hard on the quilt and I know her back is hurting from all the hunching over pinning the squares together. 
As you look at the posts from the past few days, you can clearly see how much work has gone into the quilt and just lining up the cheverons and sewing them together was a project and in the end, one got a bit off as the shirt was twisted some but for the most part, I think we did a fabulous job getting all the squares to line up and all the different heights of shirts as well. 
Princess put lots of thought into where and how she wanted each square so that none of the same color would be touching. 

 She does get her gift of being a detailed oriented person from me as I notice those type of things when many wouldn't but I don't see that as a flaw but as a "gift" for details which make something good into something great. 
I sewed most of it but she did sew a row but since she is new at sewing, she felt it would go more quickly if I took over the sewing. She cut and pinned like a pro. 

We always have a few mishaps with fabric curling and having it get caught in another seam or something but it really went smoothly and I wanted to show you another of my favorite squares. Princess Four was still wearing the shorts with the surfing Snoopy last week. We washed and cut them up to put on the quilt with the pajama shirt they came with and I love that we were able to sew the shirt and shorts together and make a long square out of them.  It is one of my favorites. 

I can't wait to show you the finished product. Hopefully tomorrow night as we have the other project to finish and a few other things going on this week before she moves on Friday. We are going to miss having her close!

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