
Thursday, August 21, 2014

I'm Late, I'm Late, For This Posting Date - Snoopy Quilt - Part 6

 It is FINISHED! Sorry this post is late but yesterday was one horrible day from beginning to end for me with a bad sinus headache and now I am quite sure my gallbladder is bad and it was acting up lots this week and I am starting with more pain and other symptoms so it was not my best health day along with being tired.

Princess Three also gets sinus headaches if a storm is a big one and thankfully she is the only girl that gets them but she also was suffering from that today as well. 

We worked through the night and just finished so this post is late but "It's all good in the hood!" now that we got it finished. 

I will hopefully get some sleep and I just took more pills for my head but they still aren't working.

I pray at some point I can find a way to relieve them some but with all the issues I have going on with my health, the headaches aren't a priority so that tells you how horrible I have been feeling lately. 

Princess Three was such a trooper picking up the skills really quickly and I will share tomorrow how we bound the quilt but just know that she is amazing and so smart. I still marvel at how quickly she picks things up. I keep telling her she needs to expand her horizons and attend an Ivy League school as she could keep up with the pace and work. She doesn't agree but she is one smart girl. Actually, all of them are but she is the only one in that place in her life where she could go. My dad gave her an article recently that talks about how the larger Ivy League schools are recruiting small town kids so that is where the idea came from a few months ago.

Anyway, I am rambling as I am so tired I can't think straight. The quilt is adorable and you can see Princess Three spread out on the finished quilt exhausted after she showered while I sewed on the binding. She pinned it all and I stitched it. We made a good team and I loved every minute of making it with Princess Three. I am going to miss her when she moves this week! 

Princess Four is doing so well at college and all I hear is how much she LOVES it! Princess Two called me today with much of the same type information saying she is in a good place in her life having started a new job recently. I get to see pictures of Grand Princess all the time on Facebook and Princess Five is getting ready for back to school with Student body and Cheer, I may not see much of her this year. 

I am truly blessed!  Sorry again about the late post but I felt it was worth it to get the quilt finished as we have so much else to do before she moves out.

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