
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lots of Little People - It Takes a Village

I posted a few months back about Princess Two and her love of "Fisher Price little people." Her very favorite toy when she was little was the "Little People House." Click here for that post. I have video of her playing with ours when she was about 3. I wish I had the ability to transfer video over from VHS but I am not at that point in my electronic abilities. 

Actually, I have the ability but not the resources. I know how to do it but my computer isn't working that well so I will have to wait until I have the funds to upgrade the system. 

We do our inheritance a bit differently than others, we have a lottery system for who picks first and then rotate picking items because if we did it by who got the item as a gift, everything would go to the first child or two because we had one of everything by the younger children.  Click here for a post on how we work that. 

During that process for dividing up the toys, Princess One picked the Fisher Price toys. Princess two was sad about that so I found her a house for her birthday and this past two weeks, I was able to find her an airport, barn and a small fire house that is actually match box but looks like "Fisher Price." 

I found a bus awhile ago and also founds some barn fences not too long ago which was great. 

The airport was $2. The fire house was around a dollar and the barn was probably under $5 but how sad it is that I don't remember back to last week when I bought it. 

It has been such a crazy time as I get Princess Four ready for college and we have a family reunion this week I am doing lots for so I am a bit scatter brained. 

Today, my head was hurting as we were getting rain and I was driving and Princess Four was pouring me a coke into my cup and spilled a few drops on her toes, I said, "Oh, use a potato to wipe it up." 

In all fairness to me, I think I  was thinking paper towel and had just finished making a potato salad, but, we had wipes and tissues and napkins in the car, not paper towels but I laughed and I know the girls will NOT let me forget that one. We laughed all the way to our destination where they promptly shared it with Princess Three and as we got out of the car, Princess Four said, "Oh, no worries, I have a potato right here I can use!" everyone laughed. 

Then, Princess Three told them how I asked her last week if she wanted a gluten free wallet" when I meant "Waffle" so with LOTS of headaches and stress these past two week, the girls have gotten some good laughs at my expenses. 

I am blogging this as we pack up Princess Three and have two car loads full of stuff to move Princess Four into her apartment in the morning. It is a busy week but an exciting one as I will have two in college again. 

How quickly they move on.... I will miss them both. 

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