
Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Is Up With My Cars........

Once again, I have so much to write about but I am exhausted again. I told you yesterday that I had something going on with two of our four cars. Well, today, Princess Three has been visiting and was headed up to visit her boyfriend. We were supposed to drive ten to twelve hours yesterday to meet with the dean over the degree she would like for her Bachelors degree. 

She felt uneasy about going for some reason and with my car problems, we would be driving in her little car for the ride up, a meeting or two and right back so ten plus hours in a little car on a HOT day was not my idea of fun. Instead, she met with them on the phone and we didn't have to make that drive. 

She was packed in the car and about to drive off when I got the mail and got a renewal notice for her cars registration. She needed an inspection so I asked if she could go a little later and we drove right to the car inspection place. We had the car serviced the day before for our trip and I had already filled the gas tank so I thought it would be a quick thing. I had even asked the guys at the oil change place to check the tires. 

We are waiting at the inspection place and I asked that they rotate the tires and the guy comes back in and tells me that it will need a new muffler, pipe and at least two of the four tires had separated. This really frustrated me as they aren't that old but I guess they were made in 2008 and since the car is so small, not many cars take that tire so when I purchased them from this place about a year and a half ago, they sold me OLD tires. 

They told me that since the tires were so old, they couldn't give me any warranty on them. OK so now Princess can't go because I don't want her driving on scary tires and she won't pass inspection. $400 later, she is now late for the family party with her boyfriends family and the girl working at the place rolled her eyes into her head when I asked if they would match coupons from other places and since she was so rude, I am actually taking my car to be aligned somewhere else. She over charged me and I had to go back and get a refund after I got Princess Three's car registered so she could leave. 

I am actually good friends with the owner and I called and let her know of the situation but not wanting to see the "roll the eyes in her head" twice and "making a rude comment about me in front of my daughter that I didn't hear" girl again tomorrow, I have an alignment with another place tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, the situation with this new girl working there will be taken care of and I can go back and continue to support my friends business but it is amazing how one person can put off customers. Truly, I wouldn't go back if I didn't know the owners and been treated well there before she started working there. I was there with Princess Two's car not two weeks ago and she wasn't working so I must have gotten her on a bad day or something. 

Anyway, Princess Twos car still isn't working and I need to get parts from many states away if it is still available. I am looking for my car headlight on eBay and hope that the alignment will help my car. I purchased screws and a bracket to try and fix the bumper and will spray paint the hood. I am feeling quite "ghetto" doing that but I don't want to put anything more into cars right now. Princess Two's is already over $300 and counting. 

Sorry about the "vent" post but the guy at the car shop was joking that he has seen me in there a lot and I must have horrible luck. I told him that I am truly blessed and all cars need maintenance and I am glad for inspections as they find things like we found today but it is just hard paying for four drivers and cell phones on top of that. I am actually really grateful that we didn't try to drive the 10 plus hours yesterday on those bad tires. We could have been stranded somewhere or worse, had a blow out and accident.

Princess Five asked me to go and pick up a drivers education manual from the DMV this week....... Yes, I am smiling as it will be a good thing for her but I am not smiling about the thought of adding another young driver to the mix and not having a car for her to drive........ I am sure something will work out. 

Did reading yesterdays and today posts make you feel better about your last two weeks?  I sure hope so! ;-)

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