
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A First For Me - Hitting a Deer

I had a first this week. I had planned on blogging about girls camp and some of the fun things I did for that but instead, I have been exhausted and two of our four cars have broken down this week. 

I am not sure why I am still so tired. I know I have thyroid issues and I am anemic but I have tried to take iron daily and today, I even ate a 1/2 pound hamburger hoping to feel a bit more energy. 

I was driving a road to pick Princess Five up at 11 p.m. the other night and there was a huge deer just standing in the middle of the road. It was not a doe or a baby. He was just standing on my half of the road looking towards the other lane on this two lane highway. 

I have never seen a deer on this road before as close to town as it was and I never see deer that late in the night. Usually, it is at dusk and dawn when I see deer.

My first reaction was to swerve but he was facing that direction and I figured if I did, I may just hit him straight on if he moved. I hit the brakes and this pulled him out of his regal stance on my side of the road. 

He decided to start running off the other side of the road and then decided to flip a U-turn and run right back in front of my car. His little hesitation was just enough that I hit him with my right front of the car on his hind quarter. 

The interesting thing is that Princess Three was home and I almost asked her to go get Princess five in her little mailbox of a car and then I thought of taking her car myself but opted out as I am listening to a book on tape in my car and thought I would just listen to a bit more on the 20 minute drive there and back.

The headlight alone is $150 for after market parts. The hood and bumper are not repairable to make it look right. I love the deer hair clinging to the parts in the light cracks etc. 

I did try and find it on the way home but my guess it climbed into the tall grass and died. I was able to get my hood closed and get home. I was SO grateful that my air bag didn't deploy which would have cause me damage and would have kept me from being able to drive the car. 

I do need to get the car aligned as it is pulling right now and I am looking on ebay for a new light and am giving gratitude that it wasn't my princess driving or my newer driver and that I was in a tank of a car. It could have ended up in my lap if I drove the smaller car. My Father in Heaven does watch out for me.     

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