
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happily Ever After Snow White Dwarf Night Decorations Flags etc.

For camp, we have one night that many of the church leaders and some parents and the other youth leaders come up for dinner and then stay for our individual units fireside meetings. 

I figured since it was a bit rainy on and off, I didn't get the pictures I would have liked with all the dwarves lined up carrying their little lanterns and with their dwarf hats on, I would share some of the main camp decorations as well. The larger group over all the smaller units brought the flag holders so we could each display our flags. If you don't have someone that can make these holder bases welding, another friend bought buckets at the dollar store and put water softener salt in them and poked her Torches right into those and lit them. 

They held up well for two days. The poles are just long pvc with a notch cut into the top and the flags were put on by ribbons tied onto the dowel at the top edges of the flag. They did tip over in a strong wind but I think the buckets with softener salt would have worked just as well. 

Another way is to use the dollar store buckets, put a 1 inch pvc cut to just taller than the bucket in and then pour cement into the bucket. That would hold but would be quite heavy if you needed many flags. 

Ours was the blue one with the mirror on it that said, "Be HIS Fairest" as we wanted each girl that saw it to feel like they were his fairest and not "We" are his fairest which could exclude someone. 

Some of the units printed their banners. 

Some did needle point on theirs. Ours was done using thick waterproof material and using iron on pellon to stick it together. She didn't sew the pocket at the top for the dowel and used glue which got hot in the son and melted so we had to pin it on the dowel so that is something to watch if you plan on doing the banners or flags. Others painted, drew or sewed their things on but many used vinyl cut letters etc. They were all very cute and showed creativity. 

We were the only camp with lights outside. The others had adorable decorations but at night, I wanted there to be some beacon as to where our camp was. The camp has a generator that only gets turned on for a few hours a day so the bathrooms run on solar and are about half of a football stadium away and it is DARK to get back to our cabin. Our lights out front made it easy to see where you needed to go to get "home" so I loved that we had all the lanterns and lights out front as well as the dragonfly lights on the wishing well. 

We used our little lanterns that I purchased at the dollar store when we walked down to our fireside meeting and I snapped a picture of many of the girls holding up their lanterns. It is so cute. We were going to make lanterns out of mason jars and wire and black spray paint but then we would still need candles and  by the time you buy all the supplies, I got the lanterns for $1 each. It gave the girls something to take home as well. That is the top picture.

The larger group in charge made this adorable castle. They had a stage platform made in the back so that you could actually look in the window of the castles. It was so well done that we used it for our back drop for several pictures. 

I loved the picture of the young woman's leader and her two daughters that came to camp. They are wearing the dwarf hats and she is snow white. So cute.

There are a few more things I would like to include but will try to get them on here at some point. Just been another busy week and I can't seem to fit everything on here right now.

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