
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Camp Skit, Chant and March - Snow White

Today we had a camp reunion where the girls all came to my house to see all the pictures from camp and to watch the videos. 

I made a disc of the over 500 pictures and a few videos but forgot that the three cutest videos that they wanted were on the other camera as I was taking regular pictures with my big camera so I made 25 copies of the pictures and forgot to include the videos. I felt sad about that but told the girls I would upload them to youtube and they could download them from there. 

If anyone decides to use the "Snow White" theme for there camp, I am going to post the skit in a written form here so they can just clip and paste it and not have to listen and copy it that way. I figure someone may want to use it and I need to "pay it forward" as I have used other peoples stuff they have posted online many times. It all is one great big circle. So, the top video is the skit and I will post a few pictures of these things as well. 

The second video is our camp chant the last day. We thought it was really cute that we were able to use the snow white headbands and the "dopey" ghetto hats in the same chant. It was fun 

The last video is the girls all walking out of camp the day after our last flag ceremony and the Jr. Leaders formed an arch where all the girls could walk under. They had swords and shields that they held up making the way for them to walk out of camp.... 

It was a cute idea and they each made their own shield and sword writing what they wanted on them for a craft one day, painting the cardboard grey/silver and using black markers to write their favorite quote, theme or scripture on them. Princess four kept hers which I thought was cute. It was only the Junior leaders that made them but I thought it was fun for the girls.

Here is the script for the skit in case anyone wants to use it.

Snow White Skit - Choose the Bright!

Virture, also known as Snow White, was a Princess whose mother was a single mom. Her father, remarried a woman who wasn’t as she seemed. She was the cruelest and meanest step mother to Virtue.
One day, Virtue saw her step mother looking into a mirror and thought she heard the mirror tell the Stepmother that she was “the most beautiful in the land.”  Her Step mother gave her a mirror. Virture didn’t know it was cursed so that each time she looked into this mirror, she heard the words her Step-mother said about her and it made her feel bad about herself.  She started to feel bad about her looks and avoided mirrors.

When Virtue was made to clean the Step-mothers castle, at first, she was upset and wanted to get back at the step-mother but then she saw her “Choose the Bright” ring. She then thought of a way she could work and be bright and happy when she worked. She could come up with a song. “Whistle while you work.” So, each time she worked or was asked to do something, she chose to sing and whistle to be happy while she worked and found that the work went more quickly and was easier when she did.

When Virtue became older, she went to “Castle High” and the first day was really scary for her. There were all sorts of scary creatures and she felt very alone in the dark halls and felt like everyone was looking at her and judging her. She looked down scared to look up at all the eyes looking at her. While she was looking down, she saw her “Choose the Bright” ring. She wondered what she could do to help her feel better and have courage. She remembered hearing a talk by Knight Packer of the Royal Court about keeping a song in your heart.

She decided to sing “With a song and a smile”. With that song in her heart, she was reminded to smile at all the scary creatures at the school and realized that what seemed scary at first can just be our own fear. The more she got to know them, their masks came off and she quickly became friends with all the creatures that had been scary at first.

When Virtue went off to dwarf College, she had really negative roommates in her cottage dorm. There was one named gossipy, another named Dirty, and another named Whiny. At fist, Virtue really wanted to fit in so she started whining about things, refused to wash the others dishes and started gossiping. She didn’t feel very happy.  

Her first thought to be happier was to avoid her room mates but that made her feel lonely. She looked down to pray and noticed her “Choose the Bright” ring and thought she could set an example to the other roommates and by choosing the bright side of life.  She could choose to not judge her roommates but to love them and help them make better choices instead.

After that, the dwarf’s cottage was cleaner, happier, more peaceful and everyone wanted to visit their cottage and be part of her group.

Virtue then passed a wishing well and thought, “I want to make a wish that “Someday my Prince Priesthood will come” She dug a coin out of her pocket and thought to herself, “Who makes the wish come true?” She then looked down at the coin in her hand and saw the words, “In God we Trust.”  She realized that the wishing well was there not because the well had powers to grant a wish but when the people toss their coin in, they are saying a type of prayer and “Trusting” that their Father in Heaven will take care of them. So, from then on, when she would see a coin, she would be reminded to trust in HIM.

Virture had other trials where she went on a mission quest to foreign lands and was in a “Dating Coma” for a few years. When she got back from her quest, she met Prince Priesthood who took her to the Temple Castle where they were married. While there, Virture looked into the mirrors in the castle wedding room and heard Her Father in Heavens Voice and what HE thought of her. He told her she was HIS fairest. From then on, whenever she looked in a mirror, she heard “HIS” voice. 

Princess Virtue and Prince Priesthood lived “Happily FOR- EVER After.”

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