
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

In God We Trust, 111 and a New Favorite Blog

It has been an interesting week. In one day, my blog posts (not published) that I have written over the past four years was at 1,111. I had been planning on writing a post when my published posts were 1,111 but hadn't been looking at the number I have written and just haven't posted some I started over time. 

I had a rough week due to payments for cheer camp, Princess Four needed money for her tour for food and trinkets and I dipped into my emergency fund for the first time in a few years. 

I was at Walmart shopping and on the way home, I pulled out of the parking lot and was pondering on ways to earn some money for Princess Five to do cheer. I get to the stop light and it was about sun down and there was a shine on the road and it was a dime. I couldn't help but pick it up as I was at a red light and no one was around. 

It was RIGHT when I was thinking maybe I could have a metal recycling fund raiser or something. God knows I stress about the extra stuff and He was letting me know to relax and trust him. He always does such a great job of providing for my girls and I that it is a wonder I worry but I think sometimes it is a mom's job to worry.... 

Three times that day I also saw 111 places. I was on the phone with my sister which doesn't happen much anymore so we both laughed when I looked at the clock and shared that with her. I purchased a new under the counter cd player and when I went to put it up, it was 11:11 of Course!
I have this print cartridge I need to get replaced from the cartridge place and put it on the microwave until I can get to that errand and laughed when I saw the bottom of the cartridge. Yep, look at all those one's. 

I went to the car part place as I told you in a post a few days ago and all the trouble I had replacing the terminal contact on the battery cables. When I was checking out, the man asked if I wanted to join their "Club" for points to earn gift cards. I told him sure. I have shopped there for years and never been asked. So, they give me the little card that goes on the key chain. I don't keep much on the chain and key I actually carry around in my hand but do have one in my purse with my suburban keys and put all the little cards on that one in case I need them. I was laughing and showing the man how many "clubs" I belonged to and how many I carried on my suburban keys and noticed on my insurance card that it had a 1111 on it as well. I don't use those keys and have never needed the number off the key chain so I never saw the 1111 before. 

Princess 2 called me that same day and told me that she saw 44 and 444 two different places and for her, the 44 is my 111 so we both had several reminders to Trust in God today. 

I found a new favorite blog that day as well and am just getting to posting it. Check it out and see what you think. Here is a link to it. It made me laugh. I didn't know that she was even writing a blog currently but the post made me smile and gave me a laugh or two. 

I hope you find your reminder that God loves you and that you are as amazed as we are each time he sends us those little blessings. I know I can always be better at trusting Him but He sure makes it easy sometimes to trust Him. 

Thanks Heavenly Father for all the reminders this week!

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