
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fun Dating Idea for a Group Date

When I was looking for housing for Princess Number Four at college for this fall, I went around to many places with Princess Three as Princess Four was too busy to get time off to go looking. We needed to get a deposit down as many places fill up quickly and it is hard to find good places by summer. 

We looked at an apartment where Princess Three knew someone was living. When we went in, the entire wall was a mural on long sheets of paper. It was a town. 

For a group date one night, they decided to give every couple a section of large paper and tell them to make a building in a town. I don't know if they said what building they were to make or they drew it out of a hat or what but every couple did a different section. 

They used colored chalk, markers, crayons and colored pencils to make their masterpiece. I wish I had my real camera with me but I just had my flip phone camera so the pictures aren't really great but you can see enough to get the idea and even just the idea is fun. 

I thought it would be something fun to do with the family and give each child or two children a section to do. Or, if you have a small family, do one section each week and allow the child to work on that section for the week. 

It could be fun for girl scouts, young women's groups, boy scouts, primary children, activity day, group of friends getting together or a family home evening activity.

Also, another apartment we went to had "College Bucket List" written on a poster board and each girl in the apartment came up with somethings they wanted to do while they were at college. 

One of the things on the list was "Hike to the large letter on the mountain"  and I know every college has their "Fun" things to do but I thought it was great that they knew right from day one what they wanted to do so that they didn't leave thinking, "I wish I had gone ......" as we all tend to have regrets in life.

None of the picture are the best but I think both ideas are good ones. The bucket list would give you ideas for dates while you are at college as you would want to get them off you "list."

Perhaps I need to revisit my life "Bucket List" and get a few things in motion that I have thought about doing in my life.... What would be on your list?

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