
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Grand Princess Photo Shoot Part 4

I am so sorry about yesterdays post. I was so tired and can you believe that I was so busy again today that I didn't get to anything on the list of stuff I needed to do for camp. 
My car wouldn't start last night and since I had it inspected before coming home, I assumed they left the lights on. I tried to jump start it for about 30 minutes before figuring out that because of corrosion on the metal, where the contact goes onto the battery and where the cable connects to that contact had been eaten away and there was no contact but it wasn't far enough apart that I could see that. 

Once I figured that out, I went to buy the part and was VERY grateful for having the suburban in working order so I didn't have to call someone for help. I did try and connect the two parts using string but when I would try to start it, the motion of the whirring motor made it disconnect enough I couldn't get it started. 

I figured if I could have gotten it started, I could take it into a mechanic and have them replace the end of the cable. 

I picked up the part for just over three dollars. Not bad as cost goes but when I tried to get the old contact off, the bolts had welded and there was no chance of getting it off the cable. I tried tin snips, pliers, wrenches, a chisel and hammer and finally took a hand saw to it. Of course I wore the rubberized hand gloves. I finally sawed through the center of the two positive cables between the bolts holding it on. 

Once I got through it, (I poured coke on it a few hours earlier before buying the part to get rid of some of the corrosion) it was easy to screw the new one on. I did have to clean the terminal before putting the contact on it using a rubberized handled screwdriver and the gloves. Also, don't inhale deeply while sawing as the acid does go airborne when you saw. 

The car started right up after that hour of work and then I spent an hour trying to put R134 in my suburban air conditioner as it was HOT driving it today. 

For some reason it won't allow the ac on when it is in idol, probably not wanting it to overheat so I couldn't get the compressor to turn on and drain the bottle. $10 bottle of R134 down the drain as I tried to drive the car forward and backward with the can attached by myself. Nope, it didn't happen. So, I think I will allow someone else the pleasure of doing that. I do want to try having someone push on the gas while I try to instal it and see if that works but my purse was just not doing it for some reason. (Yes, I did use my purse on the gas pedal.) 

I should have taken pictures of the battery thing and blogged about it but didn't think about it as I have been out of "blogging" new things with so many family things going on this past few weeks but it isn't like you haven't seen how crazy my May's always are for the past four years. 

I think my post yesterday scared Princess One as she called me today asking how I was doing. :-) I am glad someone cares enough to call and see how I am doing. I am feeling better today but it has still been a crazy day being on hold for hours with two different government agencies today didn't help. I hate that they can't just have the phone ring on your end if you get in line for the next agent. It would be so nice to be able to put the phone down and walk away for that long wait. 

Anyway, back to beautiful Baby Princess. We thought since my "Snow in Summer" was in bloom, it would be fun to get her sitting among the flowers. I put her on a white garbage bag and had her sitting against the little light with a balance from her parents. 
She was thrilled and you can almost see her thought process as she turns and looks at the flower, focuses, drools and then tries to eat her fingers, finds her mouth with her right fist and then proceed to put the entire thing into her mouth I was so shocked I didn't get the picture with it fully in her mouth but you get the idea...  

The three pictures were taken, 1, 2, 3 with none in between. It was so funny watching how she really wanted to eat the flowers and goes for the hand. 
That was until she did get a handful of flowers and quickly had them in her mouth. She was happy until I pulled her hand with them down and she wasn't happy as I took the flowers out of her mouth! I don't know if they were safe for consumption so my reaction was quick and swift which she didn't appreciate. She cried for all of about 5 seconds until she focused on the flowers again as you can see in the four picture sequence. 

The first picture is her eating the flowers, the next is her screaming that I took them away from her. 

Then, the next is her calming down and starting to focus on the flowers again  and the last is her looking with intent at the flowers. The flowers photos were so cute but because she kept wanting to eat them, most of the pictures of her sitting among them are with her reaching or crying because we won't let her get them. 

I think it would have been fun to get her sleeping among the flowers but by the time we got to the photos after so many other things going on that day of graduation, I think we were all "done" and just needed to rest. 

I think Baby Princess did a great job considering all the position, outfits and all the other commotion being around so many people and not being at home in her routine. 

I know I am biased but I can't help looking over and over the posts of this week and looking at the cute pictures of her. Why are babies such magnets when they are cute and not crying? She seems to have some pull on all of us!        

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