
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Grand Princess Family Photo Shoot Part 3

I once again was up all night. I got just under three hours sleep last night. Right now, it is after five and I had a friend over to help me finish the gel headbands for camp. 

I thought I would have time today to get them done so I could sleep tonight because I am so tired from no sleep last night but so many things came up in the past two days, I get nothing but errands done. I am glad to have another thing off my list and hope to get most of the big things off by my meeting about it on Thursday.

The third outfit Princess One chose for her daughter was this cute one. She wanted pictures of all three and then some of baby alone in her outfit.

I am going to do a post today of just family shots and will finish up baby shots this week as well. 

I am not sure which of them I like best but one of the "Flower" pictruedddddddddd would be d

 As you can see, I am falling alssdd abddddddddddddddddddddd asleep and I am not sure why I hit the "D" key when I nod off.
I think I should entitle the post "The Many Faces of Grand - Princess One" as every pijddddddddddddure had a different face and so many of the pictures.

She, I just keep falling asleepalfgd. Until this week, 
ISo tired.... HOpe I can get some sleep and actually post when I am not dreaming sitting up

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