
Friday, April 18, 2014

Superior Sweep at State Drama

Princess Four and Five went to State Drama this past week. 

It was the first time either of them have competed in Drama ever. Actually, it is the first time any of my children competed in drama. 

I posted before about them performing at the school and going to region drama. They LOVED every minute of performing and the other night, they did a talent show at the school Here is a link to the talent night performance.

You will notice that Princess four is in a different outfit each time she performs it. The directors have obviously never see "Gypsy" the play or movie as they put her in the baggy pants in the top picture because they thought it looked more "Gypsy" like. I actually laughed out loud when she told me.   
They are student teaching and didn't know any better. When I saw her on stage, I thought they had wrapped her in a shower curtain. I wondered why she wasn't dressed like a tom boy.

In the Musical, it is an overbearing mother who's dream is to have her children be famous. The youngest daughter is dreamy beautiful and the older daughter is a tomboy. 

Because the mother dotes and gives the youngest daughter attention, the older daughter gets jealous. In the end of the show, the older daughter becomes a burlesque dancer to get attention and eventually is a stripper to get the attention she so desperately seeks. 
It is sad, but the mother is proud of the daughter for her performing as she gets worldly praise for it. I think the daughter was doing it in hopes of the shock factor but is confused that her mother would basically prostitute her daughter for worldly praise. 
I was not really thrilled when Princess Five picked the song for their musical scene for competition. 

She spent a few hours researching musical duets for "sisters" and there are only a few. I guess because they were singing about a mom getting married, she thought it was a fun one to sing. 

I gently shared that the storyline is horrible and she may want to choose something else. I said that because of it's story, it isn't a very popular musical. I can't imagine any mother wanting their daughter to play the part of "Gypsy" the stripper. 

It is similar to "Carousel." Horrible story line about an abusive man being unkind to his wife and the wife staying with him abusing her. I watched that and promptly got rid of the video. I can't imagine why it was popular at any point. 

Before they went to the overnight State competition, we got her a better "tomboy" outfit. 

The video of them at state is the best for their voices and facials as it isn't on the stage without mics.

Knowing the storyline helps you understand what the girls are singing about. 

They also did their play at state. I took some of these photos and thought the one of Princess Five doing a walk over and mid air was cool and then she did a back bend and someone walks under her at one point as well. 
Those were great fun for her. At state, there is a scene when they use a pool "noodle" with a pvc pipe in the middle to beat Princess Four and the "noodle" part flipped off and the other actor was excited and didn't hold back and Princess Four had welts and now bruises on her back in places. 
It was so startling to her that she messed up her lines a bit. She is more kind as I think I would have said something during the play to the other girl. One of the judges commented after asking if she was "ok" as it looked like it really hurt. 

In the end, the girls were one of four of the many performers that took home all SUPERIOR ratings from all three rounds at state! 

Here is a link to one of the state performances. 

I didn't do drama until my senior year and I ended up taking superiors at state for my scene as well. I guess in this case, it was "like mother like daughter." 

Hope you enjoyed it as much as they did performing it.

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