
Monday, April 21, 2014

Snow White - Our Happily Ever After Camp Theme Lesson Kick Off

I was asked by my church to help with Girls Camp this summer. Our local area has many smaller congregations and we are doing a joint girls camp with about 12 units combining to do one big camp and we rent a large campground in a National Forest. We do most activities together for a few days. There is one main theme for the entire camp but each unit picks their own smaller theme to fit the larger theme.

This years camp theme is "Your Happily Ever After" and for that, they asked each unit to choose a fairy tale for their own theme. Each unit will have a flag, chant, skit, hats, decorations etc.

I hadn't seen all the latest Disney films but watched part of "Brave" and the "Frog Prince" stories looking for a fairy tale that we could use. I asked my girls which story they would like and they of course said "Frozen" as it is the newest Disney Princess movie but another unit already asked to have that one so we discussed several. Someone suggested "The Little Mermaid" but looking at that story, she was disobedient, disrespectful, almost had her father lose his kingdom and bargained with a witch. I didn't think those would be the best things to focus on so we looked at stories where the princess or main character was true and positive throughout.

Snow White fit that criteria. I will share some analogies with that and why we chose that story. 

When her father died and she wasn't being treated well in the castle, she didn't get bitter, but remains happy and kind and still has dreams. She wishes for a brighter future and finding her "true" love. 
She isn't wanting revenge on the queen. She doesn't be the victim and tell everyone her sad story or go off on the woodsman. She takes things as they come and finds the good in them. 

She is scared for a moment when she is alone in the woods but decides to sing a song to feel better. I have many times felt the power of music when I have felt sad or lost so I could relate to that. (Click here to see a post about that)  

When she finds woodland creatures, she makes them her friends and allows them to help and stays cheerful. They help her find a cottage where she can find safety and refuge. Even thought the cottage is in disrepair and needs much work, she stays happy and works to make what little she has better. Often times, we have friends help us, or sometimes strangers even help us find our way through trials.

The animals wanted to do a bit of a lazy job cleaning and she wouldn't let them "sweep it under the rug" and doesn't stop until she is finished with her goal or task. But, finishes her task to the best of her ability doing the job the best she is able taking pride in her task.

When "Grumpy" is mean and difficult, she doesn't tell him off, retaliate or "avoid" him, she chooses to be kind and with her love, cheerfulness and kindness, she wins him over and in the end he loves and cares for her. 

I shared with the girls about how sometimes Satan disguises himself in real life. If he came at us head on, we would see him for what he is. But, he is cleaver. He uses simple things turned about to confuse and deceive us. Snow White wouldn't have taken an apple if the Wicked Queen was herself and up front about who she was. She had to make herself look weak and helpless to keep Snows guard down. 

Sometimes, something that looks innocent and weak is hiding something HORRIBLE inside. Sometimes this is the case with people. They can be charming and have a winning personality around others joking, winking and smiling, but treat those at home unkind and mean. The true measure of someone is what is on the inside and how they treat EVERYONE, not just those who have influence or those they can use to get what they want. 

The apple..... At that point in time, the apple would have been the sweetest thing available. She was offering Snow something that was sweetest above all others and something that was desirable. Who wouldn't want that?  Satan at times offers us something that truly is sweet but it may just not be the right time or with the right person. For example, the apple is still the apple if it was picked two months earlier but it wouldn't be sweet yet because it didn't have time to ripen and mature. 

If we want things before we are ready with someone and aren't married, it won't be as sweet as it could be if we wait until the "apple is ripe" or the timing is right. Sometimes kids want to grow up and do things that maybe they shouldn't but can't wait until the timing is right. 

There is a picture of Prince and Princess one with their beautiful Princess. I talked about how they knew each other for over four years before they married. They dated and then he went on to finish his degree and she moved on and dated another person and served as a missionary to the Philippines.

I have a video of them on one of their first dates at Princess Five's 8th birthday. They married over four years later and are living their "happily ever after."

The baby's outfit says, "Born into royalty." We believe that to be true. She is a princess born to royal parents.  Because they waited until the timing was right, Prince One can support them and Princess One can stay home taking care of their princess. Because they waited until the time was right for them both before proceeding together, things are much better than they would have been had they gotten together four years before. They both had lessons they needed alone before they could "work" together.

I talked about how even when living their "happily ever after" there will be storms in their lives just like we all have at times. I asked the girls what we do in hard times... I then pulled Prince and Princess one's picture out of the frame and there was this picture of Christ behind them. It is Christ calming the storm. So, even when we have "Storms" in our lives, Christ is at our back supporting us and calming the storms as we will all have to face a storm at times in our lives. 

I will talk about the mirrors in another post but wanted to show the capes I am making for the girls, the crocheted headbands, the "Sweat" red headband bows and the "dwarf" hats we will be using on different days at camp. 

Those are some of the things I shared in the lessons and I will share over the next few days on how I made some of the items and other things we will be doing at camp. Here is a link on how we make the dwarf hats.

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