
Monday, March 24, 2014

Touring Gratitude

Princess Four is going on a tour with her community choir over Easter break.

It is about $500 and I put some money on it a few months ago as it was due but I guess they had the wrong "Due date" on the letter they sent recently so, I thought I had more time to come up with the money. 

There are a few things coming I need to pay for, one is Princess Four's school fees as she can't graduate in a few months unless they are paid off. The school advised me to pay her fees and let Princess Five's fees slide if I need so that Princess Four can graduate. 

I kinda thought that would be funny since she is supposed to speak at graduation. I wonder what they would do if I didn't get the $400 for her I owe paid in time. I don't think I want to figure that one out and I am sure they don't want to wonder about it either so rather than causing Princess Four that stress, I need to find a way to earn that money. My Heavenly Father has always provided ways for me to cover the bills on things so I have to be grateful for his loving hand. 

Princess Two has been posting things on a yardsale site so she can help pay back or pay it forward to her sisters as I covered all these same things for her. She did dance, choir and a graduation tour as well as a mission with no cost to her so she has wanted to help her sisters have that same blessing in their lives. 

Some gracious and generous person taped an envelope to our front door over Christmas with $100 in it. Then, Princess two has been slowly selling $5 items online which led to todays blessing. 

I had someone come to pick up a few games that she listed that we had that were still new and unwrapped. They paid $25 for them combined and with that, I pulled out the money from the envelope as the tour fee was supposed to be paid this week. When I counted the money I was going to deposit this week to cover the tour cost.... It was within $3 of the last tour payment. 

No one can tell me that God isn't watching out for my princesses. How did I happen to have that exact amount needed to cover that payment on the day it was due? HE loves my girls and shows me, and them, daily how much He loves us. I will gladly send in that last payment for her tour and look forward to seeing how He will bless us in being able to cover the other two major things I need to cover before graduation. 

He does send angels and I thank the angel that taped the $100 to our door over the holiday. I always think that at some point, I will be blessed to be on the giving end but then, I think about what I am able to do for others and think that money isn't the only way to help others and I am grateful He blessed me with talents I can use to help others in different ways. 

Thank YOU for sharing your blessings and talents with my family.... We are truly blessed! 

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