
Friday, March 21, 2014

Old Folks in the House - Character Dance - Part 2

I added a video of the girls doing the dance in yesterday's post. Today, I am going to add a video of the girls getting ready to go on the floor. They were being so funny. 

Click here to see that video. They were all dancing to a Tina Turner song that someone else was doing a dance to at the time. They were all in character and were quite funny. 

This post has more pictures of the girls doing what they do so well. 

It is funny but you really can't even tell them apart from the other girls unless you know where they are standing during the dance. 

As they performed more and more, they got better at adding age lines and then they decided to add mustaches and eyebrows. 

The girls had fun doing this dance but I had fun watching them. I kept trying to find the girls and take pictures but they kept moving where they were in the dance. 

I love these two pictures with the girls doing spread eagles.
It was fun that I could catch them in action. I hope you have enjoyed this last week of dance pictures. 

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