
Friday, January 3, 2014

Princess Four Photo Shoot - Before Cutting her Hair - Part 1

Princess Four is graduating this year. She wanted to get some cute Senior pictures but she wanted to curl her hair for the photo shoot. 

She also wants to get her hair cut and do some photo shoots with her hair shorter.

We were going to do this photo shoot in October when we did the family photo shoot but the weather got bad and then we got busy and we didn't have time to get her hair curled and get it done. We did do some photos then which I never did get posted but will probably post when I cut her hair.

While all the girls were home, two of them spent a few hours curling Princess Four's hair so she could get it cute for the pictures. By the time she got her hair curled, it was getting dark. 

This was on the day when I was sick with the headache so Princess Two and Three drove Princess Four around town and took some cute candid photos of her in different locations and she picked a few different outfits to wear.

As you can see, she likes the blue as it makes her eyes pop but it was a bit overcast and towards dusk so I think they did a great job with the weather and time they had. 

I was glad she was able to get it done as she has been wanting to cut her hair for some time but didn't want to do that before she got some pictures with long curls.

She is excited to get her hair cut now so I will have to show you what she looks like after that event. 

Her hair is so long that it is hard to deal with sometimes. I think she is going to like having it cut again. It has been awhile. Here is a post showing a picture of her last time we cut off a long piece to donate.
 Doesn't she look beautiful? I am constantly amazed at how different my girls are and yet how similar they look. 

I think the long hair makes people think they look more alike than they do but it seems like one looks like another and that other looks like another so there is some similarity but not necessarily with all.

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