
Monday, January 6, 2014

A Foot Off the Head and Highlights for Princess

Princess Four was ready for a change. I posted in my last post about how she wanted to get her hair cut after taking senior pictures. She asked me to cut it and I suggested that we do some highlights. 

I didn't want to take the time to cut it before as I do better when the hair is wet. If it is wet, it is hard to pull through a cap so I cut about 12 inches off the bottom and figured I could trim it up after the highlights were done.
I bought two boxed highlight kits for about $7 each. With her hair being so long, I figured I would need two bottles which I did. I should have just gone to a beauty supply shop and purchased a large bottle and powder but I was in a hurry and it was a holiday. 
I put the cap on her and started pulling the hair through. I didn't want it to be really dramatic or stand out much as this is a big change for her. I used every other hole and only left the bleach on for about 40 minutes. I just wanted the highlights to look like she has been in the sun. 

She was very nervous about her new look as some of her identity is linked to having such long hair. 
Most of her sisters have cried when I cut off their long hair. She was good and didn't have any problems with the cut. She was actually excited to see how it looked. 

She left a braid section that she didn't want cut so she could show everyone how much hair was actually cut off. 

I think it is cute and did like that she had a smile on her face after it was over. Princess Five freaked out when she saw the highlighted section before it was combed in with the rest of the hair. After we combed it out, she said she liked it but couldn't believe how light it was before and then how much it hardly showed after. 
We washed it and combed it out and then I trimmed it up and she put it in a pony tail and I think it looks great. 

I can't wait to see how it looks once she has it curled or straightened.  

I probably should have taken the pictures in better light so you can see the highlights. 

When I put her hair next to Princess Five's, you can really see the difference. I asked Princess Five if she wanted highlights before and after I did Princess Fours and she said "no" both times. 

Princess Four did say she wasn't sure she thought it was worth it to sit for that length of time and have her hair pulled through a cap. I figure it took a lot less time than doing the foil layered thing. We'll see if she decides she likes it enough to have it done again. 
Most of my girls are not that much into getting their hair cut or done. They just like to be able to pull it up quickly and easily. I have regularly highlighted my hair since high school so it is weird that only one of my girls in the past has highlighted their hair only once. They do have gorgeous hair and really don't need much to look beautiful.       

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