
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Princess Four is a SWEET Princess

About a week ago, I started receiving notes all over the house. I thought perhaps Princess Four was buttering me up for something as she started writing me such sweet notes about why she loved me and several that had her "Top ten things I love about mom" on them. 

She would leave them on my bed, slip them under my bedroom door at night or leave them on the washing machine etc. 

They kept coming. Every night, she slips another thoughtful note into my life. So, yesterday or the day before, I asked her if she was hoping to ask me something or wanted something from me. She laughed and said that she was doing it for herself. 

I think she is focusing on trying to be more grateful and more understanding of my life and the life that others may have. 

Over the Christmas break, she decided to write notes for every member of her dance team along with one for the coach. 

She spent HOURS writing notes to each girl telling them what she loves about them and admires in them. 

She wrote the notes and then folded them into their own little envelope with origami. The envelopes were as much a hit as the notes. Several of the girls figured out how she made the envelopes and then started making them as well. 

Today, one of the girls on the team that lives out of town needed a place to wait for her parents to come pick her up as the school was closing. She came to our house to wait and guess what she had under the plastic cover of her school notebook? Princess Four's note to her. 

Princess came home a few days ago and told me she had to go into the coaches office for something and in the center of the coaches desk..... You guessed it! Her note from Princess Four. 

Who would have thought that such a small thing as writing a note could make so many people happy. 

I think January is a hard time for some people as the holidays are over and there isn't much to look forward to and the weather is cold and winter is seeming long. Princess planning and writing those notes just now is about the time the team would need them as they head into competition time. 

I think she is inspired to do what she did and I know I am not the only one who appreciates her thoughtfulness at being remembered. Everyone needs to feel needed and appreciated. It makes you want to do more for the person. 

The analogy I use on my kids is this: If you buy a group of children an ice cream cone and only one comes back to thank you, which child do you want to give more to? It is like the story of the ten lepers. Only one came back.... I know God was teaching us with that story being included in the scriptures. He is reminding us that we need to show gratitude in all things. 

Once again, I will point you to the scripture I have on my home page which basically says, "He who giveth thankfulness in all things, I give a hundred fold and more." 

I know this to be true in my own life. I have been so blessed and his promises are sure. I have received a "Hundred" fold, many times. I will send you to this link where it was VERY literal. It is one of my favorite memories. 

Thank you Princess Four for making me feel loved and appreciated as well as your entire team. If I hadn't just written the top ten reason I love you, I would do it here! 

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