
Monday, January 27, 2014

Muddy Buddy Chex Mix - Using a Chocolate Bar or Other Chocolate

Princess five has this thing for Muddy Buddies. Her friends have made it for her often and she has asked about making it several times but it seems like something has always kept us from making it. 
Today, she wanted to make it for her dance competition to share with her team mates. Princess Four had everything ready for making it when we arrived home. They only had two hours after school before they had to be at the school again until late into the evening.
She looked online for the recipe and then laughed when she found it on the box of Chex. The recipe states to use chocolate chips. I had "Dipping Chocolate" in the fridge and I had ground some to use in drinking chocolate. I want to clean out the chocolate drawer so I used that. You can use any type of chocolate or flavored chip or dipping chocolate. Basically, you just need 8 oz. A bag of chocolate chips is usually 12 oz. So as long as you are using a cup (give or take) of any chocolate or an 8 oz chocolate bar or brick, it really doesn't matter. 

The recipe also has you use the microwave. Many times, chocolate gets burned or thick being melted in the microwave and you have to take it out and stir it often. I prefer using a double boiler or a crock pot to melt my chocolate depending on how fast I need it melted. 

Basically, if you don't own a double boiler, just fill one sauce pan with a cup or two of hot water and bring it to a boil. Put a second pan just smaller than the first pan inside the other pan and put the chocolate into the inner sauce pan. 

Stir regularly and be careful to avoid the steam coming out between the pans. It is HOT and can burn you. Only do this if there is an adult there who knows what they are doing. This way you won't burn the chocolate and it will melt evenly if you stir regularly. 

When the chocolate is almost melted, add the butter. When they are all melted, add the peanut butter. When that is melted and it is all smooth, add the vanilla. Mix well and dump on the Chex cereal. 

I wish I had taken a picture but forgot as Princess Five washed her hands and mixed the chocolate in with her clean hands. 

In the recipe, it also says to shake it in a bag to cover with powdered sugar. She went through two bags as they ripped. She was shaking vigorously however.

You can use any chocolate or any flavored chips. When there is some peanut butter the kids don't like the taste of or it is getting older, this is a great way to use it up. The girls for some reason don't like this particular brand of peanut butter but had no problem eating the mix made with it. 

Princess Five was really cute getting it ready to take with her tomorrow. I think she will enjoy sharing one of her favorite treats. Good luck Princess. 

Here is the recipe off the box: 

9cups Rice Chex®, Corn Chex® or Chocolate Chex® cereal (or combination)
1cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2cup peanut butter
1/4cup butter or margarine
1teaspoon vanilla
11/2cups powdered sugar

Preparation Directions
1.Into large bowl, measure cereal; set aside.
2.In 1-quart microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter uncovered on High 1 minute; stir. Microwave about 30 seconds longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into 2-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag.
3.Add powdered sugar. Seal bag; shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.

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