
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Family Reunion Schedule Suggestions, Games and Themes

My friend had a several day reunion last year and I asked her about the schedule she used and she gave me a print out of her schedule. Our family does reunions but this is more for an extended family reunion. I added in my suggestion and games I thought would be fun.

She had a "Western" theme.

"Your" Family Round Up
Friday Schedule

Check in 5:00 - Round up Headquarters
           Register/Raffle Tickets/Name Tags
           Decorate Family Flags
           Name on Pedigree Sheet (literally write your names in on the wall sheets)
           Pioneer Bingo/Get acquainted (bunko works here as well - Click here for that Post 1 Post 2)

6:00-7:30 - Dinner at the Center (name of family assigned if group meal)
7:30 - Family Skits at Commons - Bring lawn chairs (Have every family bring a bag of weird items that
          can be used in a skit. Each family trades out bags using someone elses items to make up a skit )
10:00 - Community Quiet Hours Begin/ Campfires stories and S'mores

Saturday Schedule

7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast (name of family assigned if group meal)
9:30 - Parade of Family banners
10:00 - Service Projects
            Fleece Lap Quilts
            Walking sticks/ Woodcarving (they can bring their own stick or you can have someone bring some)
            Kids crafts and Treasure Hunt (you can purchase kits for crafts or assign someone) For
            treasure hunts you can send kids to different family members and ask a question to that person to
            get that "prize".
12:30 - 1:30 - Lunch (name of family assigned if group meal)
1:30 - Presentation of Blankets to County Sheriff Dept or other needy organization
          Family Store Opens and Auction Items look over (Have people donate items and sell candy etc)
2:00 - The Competition - Let the competition begin!
          Round'em up - Big kick Ball into hoola hoops, who ever gets closest
          Buffalo Chip Challenge -Frisbee Golf into hoola hoops
          Corn Bag Toss - Bean bag toss bought or made
          Hoop and Stick Races - You can make these or buy them
          Calf Ropin' - Cow horns on Hay you'll also need roping ropes (IFA is a good source for these)
          Twister - Used spray paint on the lawn.Use spinner from real game.
          Barrel Races - Potato sack races
          Needle in the Haystack - sawdust search for prizes but use hay instead

Free Time

6:00 - 7:00 Dinner (name of family assigned if group meal)
7:30 - Family Store closes and Auction begins (Have people donate items and the money goes to help pay for the reunion site and expenses)
8:00 - Music and Dancing
10:00 - Quiet hour begins/ Family campfire stories and S'mores (assign a different family member to give a story each night. Several different people will give a nice variety of stories.)

Sunday Schedule

7:30 - 9:00 - Breakfast (name of family assigned if group meal)
9:00 - Sunday Service / Central Area
           Memorial Tribute to central ancestors
           Patriotic Songs
10:00 - A Fond Farewell 

I hope this is helpful for you planning your next reunion. We enjoyed this reunion a few years ago to a lake and river run. We did flower hair bow crafts. Zip line and camp fires.

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