
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Blessings - Coin Treasure Hunt, 111, In God we Trust

Because Princess One is still feeling sick much of the time and she doesn't feel well driving, we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner in her city. She and Princess Two, who lives about 10 minutes apart in the same city, asked if we could do Thanksgiving at their houses instead of mine as they didn't want to drive down for the day since we had my extended family Thanksgiving the next day.

It was a bit harder than usual to pack up all the fixings and everything to cook a Thanksgiving meal. Princess Two doesn't have many pans and with all of us, there would need to be large amounts of potatoes etc.

I purchased a very small turkey so I wouldn't have any leftovers to worry about and I did a really good job making enough that everyone could have enough but not making so much we had left overs. We enjoyed our meal and Princess Two invited two friends that didn't have family in the area for the meal.

We had one bowl of combined leftovers which we had later for dinner.

While the food was cooking, there were a few things I wanted to purchase for Christmas that were on sale that day only. We all headed to K-mart and purchased a few things but since it was so late in the day, there was not much left. The girls wanted "Monsters University" and there was a great deal for the Blu-ray, digital and regular dvd for $14. However, there were none at the back of the store.

As I checked out and was leaving, there were two at the checkout. They were the "Collectors Edition" and were $35 normally. Since they were in the add and were virtually the same thing, they gave them to me for $14 each.

That night, Princess Two wanted to hit the mall as there were a few things Princess Five wanted that I haven't been able to find in a small town. We went to the mall and I was stressing about money as most  parents do over the holidays and I looked down as we went in and there was a dime. As the shopping and night continued, we followed a money trail all over the mall. Each store we went into, there was a coin just in the door or at the checkout from the stores from which we purchased items. Even just walking down the center of the mall.

As we finished shopping, there was a dime on Princess Two's side of the car. The trail led us through the mall and back out to the car.  All of the coins in the picture were from our small shopping excursion to the mall at midnight.

The next day, we were picking out a few things at Shopko that we didn't find at the mall and I was once again stressing about the cost of Christmas. The things the girls would like aren't bad things. I was also paying down their dance fees, choir trip fees and the putting the down payment on Princess Fours graduation trip.

I just put braces on Princess Five along with the wisdom teeth extractions, you can see why I have been a bit stressed over the bills.

However, walking around Shopko, the same thing happened. Penny trails through the store and when I checked out with our purchases, I bet you can guess the total? Yep. $111 dollars.

I laughed when I saw that. My Heavenly Father was reminding me as we shopped that I need to trust Him. He will take care of the bills one way or another as he always has.

He continues to show me signs through the money I find and in His own way using the 111 with me. How does he show you?

I am so grateful He can relieve the stress I felt shopping for the things the girls may want. Nothing they are getting is over $15 each item so it wasn't like I was getting big ticket items but how do you as a parent tell your child that their braces are Christmas? So, I purchased some things that they want but not big ticket items.

I know they would be happy with whatever they got but as a parent, you want to get your child something they would like. I am grateful to God for showing me good sales and helping me find things they would like for low cost. I know HE loves me and the girls as He does each of us. I am grateful that I can see His hand in my life almost daily.

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