
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Grand-Princess's Baby Shower - Princess Number One

Princess One is expecting her baby mid February. Since she will be moving soon once Prince number one finishes up his masters this week, they decided to have a shower for her now before she moves. 

Since she knows she is having a girl, it made it easy for everyone to be able to purchase things she could use. 

It was the weekend of Thanksgiving so many people were out of town but gave her gifts at our family dinner the day before. 

She had a great surprise when her aunt who is an award winning quilter gave her this adorable hand made quilt. You can see her mouth dropping open as she viewed it from above as she opened it. 

Her cousin was so wonderful to host it. And, her cousin's wife had it at her home. She made these cute fan wheel decorations for the wall.

She put up the ultrasound pictures on the centerpiece. Everyone helped with food. It was a wonderful afternoon and everyone enjoyed the shower. 

Princess Two and I purchased lots of Disney outfits for Grand-Princess. She got the one's I didn't and we made sure that we got lots of different sizes so she would have many months of cute Disney clothes to wear.

We figured that Prince Number One would be excited to dress the little angel if she had Disney clothes to wear. Princes One LOVES Disney. 
We were able to see some long time friends and one of Prince One's Aunts came in from Hawaii. 

My niece is expecting a baby a few weeks after Princess One. It will be so fun for them to have babies together. Don't they look adorable together!  

She had another shower at work last week and she has gotten quite a large pile of things for the baby. I know she is excited to start putting things together but with the move and the graduation of Prince Number One, they will have to wait. 

I remember getting the nursery together and putting up the crib etc. She hasn't been able to do any of that as she needs to finish her job to keep the insurance until the baby. 

I think she has done remarkably well keeping herself sane while working at a VERY stressfull job, moving not once but twice as of next week while being pregnant and having her husband finishing his masters project while he worked and took classes. 

It amazes me how much people can endure and how they are able to sustain even while under so much stress. As far as stress factors go, they have about nine out of ten. 

Lets pray that after the next few weeks, their lives can calm down some and that everything will be great for Grand-Princess number one's entry into the world.

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