
Monday, October 28, 2013

Thriller Weekend With My Princesses

Princess Four and Five are involved in a youth group that promotes a college education. I guess they had some extra funding this year so they decided to take a road trip. 

They hired out a tour bus and scheduled a fun weekend for the kids. 

They each got $25 for food, a shirt, free transportation and a ticket to "Thriller."

The purpose of the trip, was for them to see a few different schools and learn the benefits of each school and to speak with workers and students from each school. 

There were students from schools all over and the bus stopped and picked up kids at different pick up sites. 

From there, the bus drove long distances and we were happy when we reached our final destination. There is an outdoor amphitheater that has gotten more popular over the years in a small town in Southern Utah.

The kids went to the local university there and talked with students, faculty and did a building photo scavenger hunt. 

I have to say I wasn't prepared for the almost 90 degree weather but for the evening show, I was glad for the warmer temperature. 
The instructor who was scheduled to take the kids from our area backed out and they asked if any parents would like to be the chaperone for the 10 or so kids that went from our area. 

I jumped in on that one as I love spending time with the girls and have attended some shows at the theater there in the past. 

I loved the scavenger hunt as it made the kids learn where the buildings were on campus. They also had a meeting about college classes and why you need to attend the classes and why some kids sign up and then don't go. 

They also talked about places to get help on campuses and tutoring etc. I was impressed with the entire event and loved the way the leader handled the kids on the bus and at each venue. She asked each place we stopped for rest stops how the kids behaved in the store etc. There were over 50 kids on the bus and tours and we never had any issues. 

They were also giving shopping and eating times at malls and Princess Five decided to spend some money on a few cute things and we then ate dinner at Carls Jr. I had never eaten at Carls before. I wasn't really excited about my guacamole burger as it had spicy nacho cheese on it along with onions. I was in a hurry and didn't read the fine print. Princess four got Subway with some other kids and we met back up for the ride to the Theater/School. 

We got a tour of the campus and backstage. The kids were great and we got some great group photos of them all. 

I got a few great shots of my own with my girls in the theater and with the fun face painted photo ops they had out front. 

I found a few pennies and saw a few 11:11 as the bus's clock wasn't set right but I knew that Heavenly Father was blessing us. We all three got to go to a wonderful dance productions and tickets were over $20 a piece. We each got $25 for meals and the best part, I didn't have to drive! I always have to drive so to sit on a comfy tour bus and enjoy someone else driving was wonderful.The trip for us would have been well over $250 in gas, tickets and food.

I made a few new friends and enjoyed visiting with the kids and supervisors from other schools. The show was fabulous. We had a row of women behind us that said they have attended other "Thriller" shows for years and they were more expensive and were not as well done and said that his one would be the one they would attend from now on and it was worth the drive. 

I have to admit I was expecting more from the high school or local dance teams but the local school attendees were "Zombies" in the audience scaring people and they had only one youth group perform a "chucky" clown dance. The rest were all from a professional company and were amazing. It was quite entertaining and there were some really funny dances and skits thrown in. 

We arrived home after 2 a.m. Saturday night but it was well worth it for the wonderful time we had. The sound and environment of the outdoor theater and the red rocks all around was a perfect setting for the entire event. 

Oh, the funny picture of the girls doing a dance move in front of the grey set was the "Mary Poppins" set. I guess it finished its run the night before so the set was still backstage when we were touring. The girls were doing their version of "Step in Time" I guess.

I know my Heavenly Father was answering prayers as the girls have wanted to go see a show for awhile now. It was a wonderful gift. It was a Thrill for sure!

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