
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cute Invitation To A Fall or Harvest Dance

 This May be
 “Candy Corny”
But I was wondering
If you would be my
Date for Twirp?!
Look through the corn
to find my name.
My first name is written
In one direction and my
Last name is written
In the other direction.

Princess Number Four wants to go the the Fall Dance at her school. She is inviting a boy she hasn't done much with before and wanted to think of a cute way to invite him. 

We put our thinking caps on and came up with this idea. She wanted a large jar to put candy corn in so she could say "This may be "candy corny" but...

So we found a large pickle jar to use but it had some really sticky labels on it so I took some mineral spirits and used paper towel to get the sticky off the jar. It worked in seconds. Within one minute, all the sticky was off the jar. I then just washed it with dish soap to get the gas smell off the jar outside. 

She then wrote the little poem type thing at the top of the page and got some candy corn clip art off the internet and printed it on the center of a page so it would be centered. 

We printed it on white first to make sure it would fit on the lid as we didn't want to put anything on the sides of the jar. 

We also wanted to cover up the top of the jar as it had words on it so we thought putting the little poem on the top would cover that and make the jar look more havesty. 
Once the poem was printed, we centered the lid over the poem and traced it with a pencil. We then cut the poem out and used a glue stick to glue it on the top of the jar lid. 

It was a bit bigger than we wanted so we just trimmed it up while it was on the lid as you can see here. 

Princess picked out some tulle ribbons and mixed the candy corn colors of Tulle so she could make the ribbon look more harvesty as well. 

We had to go to three different stores to find any candy corn. We decided to add the "fall blend" in that had pumpkins and browns in them as well. 

We purchased four of each type of candy corn / harvest blend in order to fill the jar. 

Before we put them all in, we wrote the letters of her first name in one direction on the candy corn and the letters of her last name in the other direction on the candy corn as you can see in the picture below. 
We practiced here by writing, "MY and NAME" in different directions. We then realized that some letters can be viewed in either direction so on some of them, we had to draw a line underneath them so they would know which direction they were supposed to be facing. 

For example, O or S could be viewed either way so drawing a line under the side you want the corn to face helps them know if it is for the first or last name. M could be mistaken for a W if there weren't a line under it.   

You can see we actually took a Sharpie pen to the store and wrote the letters on the candy at the store so we could make sure we purchased enough corn to fill the jar. The workers were happy to help us out. We just had them charge us using the empty bags. 

Once we had the name written on the candy, we put them in the bottom of the jar and each time we added a bag of candy, we shook the jar so that the letters would be mixed throughout the jar and candy evenly. 

She is going to be opening up an assembly at school this week and will call the boy up and tell him that "someone" wants to ask him to the dance and will hand him the jar. He will have no idea that she is the one asking him to the dance. 

She is so cute about it. I am sure they will have a wonderful time at the dance even though it may be a bit "Corny."

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