
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Princess One is Moving - Old House

Princess One has moved. I never posted these pictures of the condo they were living in for the past year. 

My cousins son and Princess number one were good friends. While he was going to school, they purchased this condo. When he graduated, he got a job in a state several away from ours. He suggested that Princess One move into their condo so they could "take good care" of it for them. 

The mortgage was more than they wanted to pay for rent so they made a deal to "pay the difference" between what they were paying then and what the mortgage was so they met in the middle and decided Princess One would move in. 

The condo was three bedrooms and two baths. She has my nephew living with them so he had one room and they had a study in the third bedroom. It was nice that my nephew had his own bathroom as well. 
Princess loved living there and did a great job decorating it. I don't have pictures of all the rooms as they were sleeping when we arrived late the night I took these pictures. 

I will miss them living there as there won't be room for us in the new place. A few weeks ago, Princess got a call from the owner saying they wanted to sell the condo because they are expecting their second child and plan on staying in the state they are living in currently. 

Continued tomorrow......

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