
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mexican Train Dominoes - Part Three

Grandma made these plastic canvas Domino Holders while we camped at Easter. I posted about it before as I thought they would be helpful because when we play dominoes, the tiles are always falling over. 

I showed the finished product in my posts 1 and 2 but we had never been able to play with them. I want to make some but haven't gotten to it as you have read, I have been fairly busy recently. 

Here is a link to post one - and here is a link to post 2.

I am just showing us using them to play in this post so you can see the tiles on them. I just saw her make them at Easter. I LOVED them and will be making some, hopefully soon. It made putting your tiles in order so much better as you didn't have to worry one would knock down the rest. 

She had her game out most of the time and new players would show up and take a turn. We also had Sequence which is another of our favorite games of strategy. We play with teams so six can play at a time. 

Between the two, we had some fun times. We had mostly clear skies camping but one afternoon, it did rain and with that, we were glad to have this huge pavilion where we could all sit and enjoy the rain and some games. This site was much different than where we used to go camping at the end of each summer. I liked this one better as the water wasn't so cold you don't want to swim and there were NO biting bugs. I didn't see one mosquito or biting fly or sand fleas as the other place we went had all three.  

I love my family and really enjoyed the camping. Hook-ups and air conditioned trailers are my kind of camping! 

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