
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gratitude Light Bulb Moment - It's Off the List

So I was telling you at the end of last week I needed to get some things on my "to do" list done. I had on there, "replace flood light"

I noticed the day before when I was putting in the swamp cooler that one of my flood lights was out. I looked to see if I had extras as I thought I did.

I couldn't find one so I put it on my "Shopping list" for the next day and posted a blog about my "lists."

Next day, I am at lunch with my sister. I have no car as it is in the shop. I ask for a ride home. She stops at a second hand store looking for things for her daughters upcoming wedding. I go in and what do I find.

A two pack of flood lights that are outdoor, 150 watt which you can't even find anymore. I went to the hardware store the next day for something and laughed when I couldn't find an outdoor flood light for twice the $4 I paid. that would be just for one. So, I got two exterior flood lights for $4. I put it in yesterday and it was so funny. A hummingbird came up to it and kept trying to find where the "nectar" came out. It was shiny and reflective so it came back several times before moving on.

Princess Five asked, "Is that a humming bird?" confused as to why the bird would be so attracted to the light.

I used the light to plant our garden and it was extremely helpful since I needed to get them in the ground while it was cool out.

What a blessing. I don't know that I have ever seen a flood light at a second hand store before. Lucky me to get two!

I am grateful they put so many flood lights in the yard so we can enjoy the back yard in the evenings. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for providing me with two for low cost!

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