
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fixing a Leaky Rain Gutter

You may have noticed on my "To do List" post a few days ago, that I had "clean out rain gutters" on my list. 

I cleaned them out all quite well a few years ago when I got my roof redone. I couldn't believe the pounds of dirt and leaves I took out of them.

I noticed the other day in the back of the house that there are twigs sticking out of the gutters. 

When I cleaned them out, I tried to seal them with caulk. I wasn't the first to try that but obviously, it hasn't continued to work as you can see by the condition of the seams on the gutter. 

I used one of the Mr. Clean wall erase sponges and went to town on the seams, gutter and any rust running down from the nails and for the most part was able to get that messy rusty, red dirt looking stuff off along with much of the old caulk.

I  borrowed an extension ladder from my neighbor and from the top, cleaned out the mess on the inside. I left a little bit of stuff but it would have taken me forever to try and get it all off. 

I went to the hardware store (Ace) and asked them what I should use to try and seal the gutters and two different people suggested this "Felx Seal" as seen on TV. They did say it was a new product and the only other option I could see was a flat rubber seal that has adhesive on it and I would have to have cut it around the nail they used to screw it up through both gutters.

I checked prices at WalMart and they are the same there as the hardware stores. 

I really would just like to buy new and did have an appraisal done a few years ago for seamless gutters but it was really expensive and I figured it wasn't a priority yet. 

I go up and hammer in any loose nails or any loose eves every year or two and also, while I am up there, I prune the trees that grow near the house as I don't like it when they touch the house and rub the gutters or paint. Also in the fall, if the trees are near the house, I get more leaves in the gutters which means I have to clean them out more often. 
I cleaned the outside of the gutters, then cleaned the inside of the gutters, scraped off any old silicon caulk and let it dry, I then sprayed an even coat of the "flex seal" and let it dry. I like that it is rubbery and is supposed to move with the metal as it expands and contracts.

The instructions said you can spray a second coat if needed. Because I am borrowing the ladder and I don't want to have to try and clean the gutters and spray more later, I want to finish this job and be done with it. 

It is nice to think that I will have another thing off the "list" and it will be wonderful if the product really works and I stop having leaking gutters. Part of one of big floods I had a few years ago was a leaky gutter with lots of rain and a sink hole. It says to do all the corners and seams. I'm not finished yet but will get it done.

The product says to turn it upside down between spraying uses and let air get into the nozzle. Well, be careful not to spray your roof! Mine now has a white spot. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good job on fixing your leaky gutter! Gutter leaks could lead to incidents, such as a flooded basement, or an unpleasant build-up of ice shards during winter. Quick action is needed when something is wrong with your siding. After that, diligent maintenance is advised to improve its longevity.

    Joann Winton @ AJC Roofing
