
Monday, May 27, 2013

Treasure Hunting For Gold - Part Three

 I wrote a blog post about over three years ago about building up a savings or retirement account by buying gold and silver jewelry.

I have continued buying gold and silver jewelry at yard sales and second hand stores. I always check out the jewelry case when I go shopping at second hand stores. I have had some great finds.

Over the past year or so, my local second hand store hasn't had any jewelry out. Talking with the workers, I guess the person that does that moved or something so rarely have I seen any jewelry there. A few weeks ago, they started putting out jewelry again. I talked to one of the workers and they told me that they had two huge bins of jewelry needing to go out.

What this store typically does, is put several things in a bag and sell them as sets. Then, anything that doesn't sell, they throw in large bags like "grab bags" and let you take them all for $10 or $20. The large bags are taped up and they won't let you open them but most of the time, they put things in there that they can't probably sell otherwise and then sometimes they will throw in some silver pieces maybe mis-matched earrings that have value as a metal.

In the past, as I posted in these two posts here: Part 1 and  Part 2, I mention that sometimes I have gotten some great deals. I had another winner this week. I very long 14 K gold chain in a  $10 grab bag. There wasn't much else in there that anyone would want but I could see the chain and it was all wrapped around a few other pieces and I guess they just threw it in thinking it wasn't worth the time to unwrap it from the other items.

I also bought three smaller sets of jewelry. These one's they do let you open and look at before buying. I opened them all and made sure they had something of value in them and they were $5 and $6 each.

One bag had several silver items including a long beautiful necklace that is Italian silver. It had a charm on it and two larger silver earrings. Those were all worth more than the $5 I paid for the bag. In addition, There was a really cute Disney earring and necklace set. Also in the bag was a necklace and in another bag that I purchased were the earrings for the necklace in bag one. So for $5, I got two necklace earring sets and a silver necklace and charm and silver earrings.

In the other two bags, there were several silver earrings with gold overlay and semiprecious stones. Princess Two is having a problem with her ears being sensitive to the earrings she has been wearing. I figured these earrings would be great for her as she likes the little diamond type studs and these are all silver with real gold overlay so she shouldn't have any problem with allergies with these. We polish and alcohol all the jewelry we get before I store it away for safe keeping. I label it with what it is and where I got it and how much I paid for it.

I also wrote another blog post (click here) about looking for silverware and platters, candles sticks etc on the shelves at second hand stores. I have found many silverware pieces and several bowls and platters for sale there. Sometimes, I also check the children's jewelry as they think because they are small pieces, they aren't real. Several cultures put gold and silver jewelry on their children so I check that just to make sure. 

Thought I would just update you on that as a reminder to keep your eyes open because you never know what you will find. 

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